powershell - 检查网址以获取特定文本,如果匹配则下载,如果名称无法解析则继续下一个

标签 powershell error-handling


  • 在下载
  • 之前,请先验证$url的某些字符串或正则表达式,以验证我没有被重定向(例如This address有效,this address无效并且重定向到了首页。)
  • 即使出现“无法解析远程名称:”(我正在尝试下载阻止列表,其中一些列表相当定期地获得DDoS),仍继续处理sources.txt。

  • 当前行为:脚本正在处理5个$url中的3个。第3个错误(故意)是伪造的地址,第4个和第5个错误也是如此。但是,从来没有尝试过第四和第五。
    try {
        import-Csv $intelSource | ForEach-Object {
             $storageDir = "$($intelDir)\$($_.threatType) $($_.threatSubtype)"
             $storageName = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
             $threat = $_.threatType + "_" + $_.threatSubtype    # Set this variable to save headaches passing it later
             $storageFile = "$($storageDir)\$($threat)_$($(get-date -f MM-dd-yy)).csv"    # Filename specified by sources.csv fields and today's date
             $url = $_.threatLocation
             if((Test-Path $storageDir) -eq 0) {
                mkdir $storageName.ToTitleCase($storageDir.ToLower());
             # Begin Error Logging
             try {
             catch {
                $intelError = "" | Select "Time","Item","Message"
                $intelError.time = get-date -f G
                $intelError.item = $threat
                $intelError.message = $_.Exception.Message
                $errorLog += $intelError
                $intelError = $null
                echo $_.Exception|format-list -force | Out-File $intelDir\$threat"_ErrorLog_"$(get-date -f MM-dd-yy).txt -Append
                Write-Host $_.Exception
             # End Error Logging
             # Cleanup
             finally {
             # Throttling (mainly future use with multiple sources)
             Start-Sleep 5
    finally { 
        if ($intelErrorCount -gt 0) {
            # Table Generation
            $errorLogTable = $errorLog | New-HTMLTable
            $HTML = New-HTMLHead
            $HTML += "<h3>Threat Intel Feed - Errors</h3>"
            $HTML += $errorLogTable | Close-HTML
            $email.Item('Subject') += "$($intelErrorCount) Error(s)"
            $email.Item('Body') += "$($intelErrorCount) of $($intelCount) sources failed. See attached for verbose log(s) `r`n`r`n $($HTML)"
            Get-ChildItem -Path $intelDir | Where {$_.Name -match "$($(get-date -f MM-dd-yy))"} | foreach{$_.fullname} | Send-MailMessage @email -bodyashtml
        else {
            $email.Item('Subject') += "Success"
            $email.Item('Body') += "No errors for $($intelCount) sources."
            Send-MailMessage @email
        $intelErrorCount = $null
        $intelCount = $null
        $errorLogTable = $null
        $errorLog = $null



    foreach ($_ in (import-Csv $intelSource) {
      # Your existing code will probably work as is here
      # But you might want to rename $_ since it is an automatic variable

    关于powershell - 检查网址以获取特定文本,如果匹配则下载,如果名称无法解析则继续下一个,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33684802/


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