Excel VBA 错误从控制表单框中调用 Sub

标签 excel error-handling vba

我正在 VBA 中构建一个非常匆忙的多层宏,它应该执行以下操作:

  • 用户在起始表上选择数字 1-4;额外的工作表 1 - 4 出现并调用第一个模块来格式化工作表(成功运行)
  • 用户导航到 4 个工作表中的第一个并回答问题 1,然后填充 2-4(成功)
  • 用户填写问题 2-4(可能更多取决于标准)并单击按钮(控制表单,非 active-x)以从另一个子运行宏(这是失败的地方)

  • 如果我从模块本身运行它,则分配给按钮的代码可以工作。如果我从按钮运行它,它不会跟随辅助子调用(例如:它将“Hood 1”添加到应有的范围值,但随后它不会跟进宏调用格式化“Hood 1”下列出的列

        'Removes the old run button
    Set RunBoxRng = Nothing
    Set RunBoxRng = Ans1Rng.Offset(3, 3)
    'Adds button to populate the rest of the questions
    With RunBoxRng.Resize(3, 2)
        Set RunBox = Wks.Buttons.Add(.Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
    End With
    With RunBox
        .Name = "RunBox"
        .Characters.Text = "Answer All Questions to the Left Then Click Here"
        With .Characters(Start:=1, Length:=48).Font
            .FontStyle = "Bold"
            .Size = 12
        End With
        .Display3DShading = True
        If Ans1Rng.Value > 1 Then
            .OnAction = Nothing
            .OnAction = "PopulateQuestions.PopulateQuestions"
        End If
        If Ans1Rng.Value = 1 Then
            .OnAction = Nothing
            .OnAction = "Populate1HoodQs.Populate1HoodQs"
        End If
        .Locked = False
    End With


    If Not HoodRng1 Is Nothing Then
        HoodRng1.Value = "Hood 1"              'Works
        Call PopulateHood1Qs.PopulateHood1Qs   'Doesn't work
    End If
    If Not HoodRng2 Is Nothing Then
        HoodRng2.Value = "Hood 2"              'Works
        Call PopulateHood2Qs.PopulateHood2Qs   'Doesn't work
    End If
    If Not HoodRng3 Is Nothing Then
        HoodRng3.Value = "Hood 3"              'Works
        Call PopulateHood3Qs.PopulateHood3Qs   'Doesn't work
    End If
    If Not HoodRng4 Is Nothing Then
        HoodRng4.Value = "Hood 4"              'Works
        Call PopulateHood4Qs.PopulateHood4Qs  'Doesn't work
    End If

    因为这件事,我已经有 36 个小时没睡了,而且我找不到一种方法来让它工作,而不必从模块中手动运行它。而且它也使得我拥有的 FormatMerging 子也不能被调用。请有人救救我,我做错了什么?!

    编辑:辅助 PopulateHood1Qs1 模块的第一部分:
           Set HoodRng1 = Nothing
    Set Ans2Rng = Nothing
    Set Ans3Rng = Nothing
    Set Ans4Rng = Nothing
    Set HoodRng1 = .UsedRange.Find(What:="Hood 1", LookAt:=xlWhole)
    Set Ans2Rng = .UsedRange.Find(What:="General Questions").Offset(4, 4)
    Set Ans3Rng = Ans2Rng.Offset(2)
    Set Ans4Rng = Ans3Rng.Offset(2)
    'Defines hood question strings
    HoodQ = "What is the length of Hood 1?"
    ASPQ = "How many appliance specific coverages are required?"
    ZODQ = "Is the Hood protected by continuous Linear Heat Detection?"
    ZOPQ = "How many Zones of Protection are there?"
    DuctQ = "How many ducts are in Hood 1?"
    'Defines question ranges
    Set Q1Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Q2Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Q3Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Q4Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Q5Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Ans1Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Ans2Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Ans3Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Ans4Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Ans5Rng1 = Nothing
    Set Q1Rng1 = HoodRng1.Offset(2)
    Set Q2Rng1 = Q1Rng1.Offset(2)
    Set Q3Rng1 = Q2Rng1.Offset(2)
    Set Q4Rng1 = Q3Rng1.Offset(2)
    Set Q5Rng1 = Q4Rng1.Offset(2)
    Set Ans1Rng1 = Q1Rng1.Offset(, LineSz)
    Set Ans2Rng1 = Q2Rng1.Offset(, LineSz)
    Set Ans3Rng1 = Q3Rng1.Offset(, LineSz)
    Set Ans4Rng1 = Q4Rng1.Offset(, LineSz)
    Set Ans5Rng1 = Q5Rng1.Offset(, LineSz)
    'Adds questions 1 & 2
    Q1Rng1.Value = "1. " & HoodQ
    Q2Rng1.Value = "2. " & ASPQ
    'Determines where to add the next question
    Set NextQRng = Q3Rng1
    'If adding linear heat
    If Ans2Rng.Value = 2 Then
        NextQRng.Value = ZODQ
        Set NextQRng = NextQRng.Offset(2)
    End If
    'If adding ZOP
    If Ans3Rng.Value = 2 Then
        NextQRng.Value = ZOPQ
        Set NextQRng = NextQRng.Offset(2)
    End If
    'If adding ducts
    If Ans4Rng.Value = 2 Then
        If NextQRng.Offset(-2).Value <> DuctQ And NextQRng.Offset(-4).Value <> DuctQ And NextQRng.Offset(-6).Value <> DuctQ Then
            NextQRng.Value = DuctQ
        End If
    End If
    'Adds numbers
    If Q3Rng1.Value <> "" Then Q3Rng1.Value = "3. " & Q3Rng1.Value
    If Q4Rng1.Value <> "" Then Q4Rng1.Value = "4. " & Q4Rng1.Value
    If Q5Rng1.Value <> "" Then Q5Rng1.Value = "5. " & Q5Rng1.Value
    'Defines box ranges
    Set ASPRng1 = Nothing
    Set ZODRng1 = Nothing
    Set ZOPRng1 = Nothing
    Set DuctRng1 = Nothing
    Set ASPRng1 = Ans2Rng1
    Set ZODRng1 = HoodRng1.EntireColumn.Find(What:="Is the Hood protected by continuous Linear Heat Detection", LookAt:=xlPart).Offset(, LineSz)
    Set ZOPRng1 = HoodRng1.EntireColumn.Find(What:="Zones of Protection", LookAt:=xlPart).Offset(, LineSz)
    Set DuctRng1 = HoodRng1.EntireColumn.Find(What:="How many ducts", LookAt:=xlPart).Offset(, LineSz)
    'Names Hazard 1
    If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "1") > 0 Then
        If Not ASPRng1 Is Nothing Then ASPRng1.Name = "H1ASPRng1"
        If Not ZODRng1 Is Nothing Then ZODRng1.Name = "H1ZODRng1"
        If Not ZOPRng1 Is Nothing Then ZOPRng1.Name = "H1ZOPRng1"
        If Not DuctRng1 Is Nothing Then DuctRng1.Name = "H1DuctRng1"
    End If
    'Names Hazard 2
    If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "2") > 0 Then
        If Not ASPRng1 Is Nothing Then ASPRng1.Name = "H2ASPRng1"
        If Not ZODRng1 Is Nothing Then ZODRng1.Name = "H2ZODRng1"
        If Not ZOPRng1 Is Nothing Then ZOPRng1.Name = "H2ZOPRng1"
        If Not DuctRng1 Is Nothing Then DuctRng1.Name = "H2DuctRng1"
    End If
    'Names Hazard 3
    If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "3") > 0 Then
        If Not ASPRng1 Is Nothing Then ASPRng1.Name = "H3ASPRng1"
        If Not ZODRng1 Is Nothing Then ZODRng1.Name = "H3ZODRng1"
        If Not ZOPRng1 Is Nothing Then ZOPRng1.Name = "H3ZOPRng1"
        If Not DuctRng1 Is Nothing Then DuctRng1.Name = "H3DuctRng1"
    End If
        'Names Hazard 1
    If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "4") > 0 Then
        If Not ASPRng1 Is Nothing Then ASPRng1.Name = "H4ASPRng1"
        If Not ZODRng1 Is Nothing Then ZODRng1.Name = "H4ZODRng1"
        If Not ZOPRng1 Is Nothing Then ZOPRng1.Name = "H4ZOPRng1"
        If Not DuctRng1 Is Nothing Then DuctRng1.Name = "H4DuctRng1"
    End If
    'Adds ASP box
    With ASPRng1
        If Wks.Shapes.Range(Array("ASPBox1")) Is Nothing Then Set ASPBox1 = Wks.DropDowns.Add(.Left, .Top + 0.75, .Width - 0.5, .Height - 1.6)
    End With
    With ASPBox1
        .Name = "ASPBox1"
        .ListFillRange = "ZeroToFour"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "1") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H1ASPRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "2") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H2ASPRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "3") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H3ASPRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "4") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H4ASPRng1"
        .DropDownLines = 9
        .Display3DShading = True
        .Locked = False
    End With
    'Adds ZOD box
    With ZODRng1
        If Wks.Shapes.Range(Array("ZODBox1")) Is Nothing Then Set ZODBox1 = Wks.DropDowns.Add(.Left, .Top + 0.75, .Width - 0.5, .Height - 1.6)
    End With
    With ZODBox1
        .Name = "ZODBox1"
        .ListFillRange = "YesNo"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "1") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H1ZODRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "2") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H2ZODRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "3") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H3ZODRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "4") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H4ZODRng1"
        .DropDownLines = 9
        .Display3DShading = True
        .Locked = False
    End With
    'Adds ZOP box
    With ZOPRng1
        If Wks.Shapes.Range(Array("ZOPBox1")) Is Nothing Then Set ZOPBox1 = Wks.DropDowns.Add(.Left, .Top + 0.75, .Width - 0.5, .Height - 1.6)
    End With
    With ZOPBox1
        .Name = "ZOPBox1"
        .ListFillRange = "ZeroToFour"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "1") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H1ZOPRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "2") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H2ZOPRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "3") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H3ZOPRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "4") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H4ZOPRng1"
        .DropDownLines = 9
        .Display3DShading = True
        .Locked = False
    End With
    'Adds Duct box
    With DuctRng1
        Set DuctBox1 = Wks.DropDowns.Add(.Left, .Top + 0.75, .Width - 0.5, .Height - 1.6)
    End With
    With DuctBox1
        .Name = "DuctBox1"
        .ListFillRange = "DuctList"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "1") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H1DuctRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "2") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H2DuctRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "3") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H3DuctRng1"
        If InStr(1, Wks.Name, "4") > 0 Then .LinkedCell = "H4DuctRng1"
        .DropDownLines = 9
        .Display3DShading = True
        .Locked = False
    End With
    'Adds default values
    If Not ASPRng1 Is Nothing Then ASPRng1.Value = 1
    If Not ZOPRng1 Is Nothing Then ZOPRng1.Value = 2
    If Not ZODRng1 Is Nothing Then ZODRng1.Value = 1
    If Not DuctRng1 Is Nothing Then DuctRng1.Value = 1
    'Defines range for new button
    Set RunBoxRng1 = Nothing
    Set RunBoxRng1 = Q5Rng1.Offset(2, 1)
    'Adds button to populate the rest of the questions
    With RunBoxRng1.Resize(2, 2)
        If Wks.Shapes.Range(Array("RunBox1")) Is Nothing Then Set RunBox1 = Wks.Buttons.Add(.Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
    End With
    With RunBox1
        .Name = "RunBox1"
        .Characters.Text = "Answer All Fields and Click to Populate"
        .Display3DShading = True
        .OnAction = "PopulateHood1Qs.PopulateHood1Part2"
        .Locked = False
    End With
    With RunBoxRng1.Resize(2, 2)
        RunBox1.Top = .Top
        RunBox1.Height = .Height
        RunBox1.Width = .Width
        RunBox1.Left = .Left
    End With

    我已经以各种/光荣的失败形式上传了它的副本。 Uploaded here


    我同意蒂姆·威廉姆斯的观点;问题可能出在 Populate1HoodQs 填充问题 .我测试了代码,没有任何问题。您是否尝试在 中设置断点? Populate1HoodQs 填充问题 看看他们是否真的被调用?

    模块名称是可选的。如果 Ans1Rng.Value = 0Ans1Rng.Value = "" ?我同意

    我在 .Display3DShading = True 上收到错误消息.

    Const RUNBOX_NAME = "RunBox"
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set RunBoxRng = Ans1Rng.Offset(3, 3)
    'Adds button to populate the rest of the questions
    With RunBoxRng.Resize(3, 2)
        Set RunBox = wks.Buttons.Add(.Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
    End With
    With RunBox
        .Name = RUNBOX_NAME
        .Characters.Text = "Answer All Questions to the Left Then Click Here"
        With .Characters(Start:=1, Length:=48).Font
            .FontStyle = "Bold"
            .Size = 12
        End With
        '.Display3DShading = True
        .OnAction = IIf(Ans1Rng.Value = 1, "Populate1HoodQs", "PopulateQuestions")
    End With

    关于Excel VBA 错误从控制表单框中调用 Sub,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38731764/


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