等待超时后使用 Task.Wait 记录 C#/Tasks 错误两次

标签 c# multithreading error-handling task-parallel-library task

等待超时后使用 Task.Wait 引发两次错误

这个问题似乎源于我正在使用 Task.Wait 等待超时。问题是任务超时后引发的异常被记录两次,或者在超时之前引发的错误未被记录。我已经添加了我用来更好地理解场景的代码和测试。

这个测试背后的想法是我们强制在抛出异常之前(在 3 秒)发生超时(在 2 秒)。在这种情况下,异常会发生什么?下面是结果。从未报告过“繁荣”异常。它在任务中仍然是一个未观察到的异常。

        // Package the collection of statements that need to be run as a Task.
        // The Task can then be given a cancellation token and a timeout.
        Task task = Task.Run(async () =>
                throw new Exception("boom");

                // Checking whether the task was cancelled at each step in the task gives us finer grained control over when we should bail out.
                Guid id = SubmitPreview();
                results.JobId = id;

                bool previewStatus = await GetPreviewStatus(id, token);
                Logger.Log("Preview status: " + previewStatus);


                bool updateStatus = await GetUpdateStatus(id, token);
                Logger.Log("Update status: " + updateStatus);

                string value = GetUpdateResults(id);
                results.NewValue = value;
            // It appears that awaited methods will throw exceptions on when cancelled.
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                Logger.Log("***An operation was cancelled.***");
        }, token);

        task.ContinueWith(antecedent =>
            throw new CustomException();
        }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);

            MassUpdateEngine engine = new MassUpdateEngine();

            // This call simulates calling the MassUpdate.Execute method that will handle preview + update all in one "synchronous" call.
            //Results results = engine.Execute();

            // This call simulates calling the MassUpdate.Execute method that will handle preview + update all in one "synchronous" call along with a timeout value.
            // Note: PreviewProcessor and UpdateProcessor both sleep for 3 seconds each.  The timeout needs to be > 6 seconds for the call to complete successfully.
            int timeout = 2000;
            Results results = engine.Execute(timeout);

            Logger.Log("Results: " + results.NewValue);
        catch (TimeoutException ex)
            Logger.Log("***Timeout occurred.***");
        catch (AggregateException ex)
            Logger.Log("***Aggregate exception occurred.***\n" + ex.ToString());
        catch (CustomException ex)
            Logger.Log("A custom exception was caught and handled.\n" + ex.ToString());


  • 不要从 .ContinueWith 抛出。从这里抛出的异常不会被编码(marshal)回调用线程。这些异常仍然是未观察到的异常,并且被有效地吃掉了。
  • 当使用带有超时的等待时,来自任务的异常可能会也可能不会被编码回调用线程。如果在等待调用超时之前发生异常,则异常将被编码回调用线程。如果在 Wait 调用超时之后发生异常,则该异常仍然是任务的未观察到的异常。

  • 规则 #2 非常丑陋。在这种情况下,我们如何可靠地记录异常?我们可以使用 .ContinueWith/OnlyOnFaulted 来记录异常(见下文)。
            task.ContinueWith(antecedent =>
                //throw new CustomException();
            }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);

    但是,如果在等待调用超时之前发生异常,则异常将被编码回调用线程并由全局未处理异常处理程序处理(并记录),然后将传递给 .ContinueWith 任务(并记录),导致同一异常的两个错误日志条目。



    Don’t throw from .ContinueWith. Exceptions thrown from here aren’t marshaled back to the calling thread. These exceptions remain as unobserved exceptions and are effectively eaten.

    未观察到的异常的原因是因为未观察到任务(不是因为它是使用 ContinueWith 创建的)。从 ContinueWith 返回的任务只是被忽略了。

    我想说更合适的建议是 not use ContinueWith at all (有关详细信息,请参阅我的博客)。一旦你改为使用 await ,答案就更清楚了:
    public static async Task LogExceptions(Func<Task> func)
        await func();
      catch (Exception ex)
    public static async Task<T> LogExceptions<T>(Func<Task<T>> func)
        return await func();
      catch (Exception ex)
    Task task = LogExceptions(() => Task.Run(() => ...


    An exception from a Task may or may not be marshalled back to the calling thread when using Wait with a timeout. If the exception occurs BEFORE the timeout for the Wait call, then the exception gets marshalled back to the calling thread. If the exception occurs AFTER the timeout for the Wait call, then the exception remains as an unobserved exception of the task.


    关于等待超时后使用 Task.Wait 记录 C#/Tasks 错误两次,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39452667/


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