php - 如何抛出未实现错误

标签 php error-handling

Possible Duplicate:
Throw a NotImplementedError in PHP?

在编写基类时,我经常逐渐开发,并且只构建我需要的(或者,我正在测试的)。但我喜欢我的界面保持平衡。对于每个 getter 都有一个 setter。在实现 CRUD 时,即使现在,我只需要 R,我宁愿先为 CUD 编写 stub 。



class Resource {
   * get Issues a GET-request to Online, fetch with $this::$id
   * @returns $this
  protected function get() {
    if ($this->id) {
      $attributes = http_build_query(array("id" => $this->id));
      $url = "{$this->url}?{$attributes}";
      $options = array_merge(array('method' => 'GET'));
      $response = _http_request($url, $options);
    return $this;

   * post Place a new object on Online
   * @param $attributes ....
   * @returns Source $this
  protected function post($attributes = array()) {
    throw new NotImplementedError();

   * put Updates an object on Online
   * @param $attributes ....
   * @returns $this
  protected function put($attributes = array()) {
    throw new NotImplementedError();

   * delete Removes an object from Online, selected by $this::$id.
   * @returns $this
  protected function delete() {
    throw new NotImplementedError();


看看之前的答案:Throw a NotImplementedError in PHP?

简单地说,PHP 中不存在异常,但您可以通过扩展现有的异常来轻松创建自己的异常。前面的答案建议使用 BadMethodCallException 来执行此操作:

class NotImplementedException extends BadMethodCallException

然后您可以在代码中抛出 NotImplementedException。

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