error-handling - JSFiddle代码遇到的问题

标签 error-handling



Link to the JSFiddle

//Counting the average temperatures in a day
//needs debugged!!!

var temperatures = [];
var total = 0;

function getCity() {
    //get the locale to help with the display
    city = prompt("Enter your city >> ");

function getNumDays() {
    number =  prompt("How many days in the study? Enter 1 - 10");
    while ((number < 1) || (number > 10) ||( isNaN(number) === true)) {
    alert ("Invalid input!");
        number = prompt ("Enter again, 1 - 10 >> ");}
    return number;

function getTemps(numDays) {
    total = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numDays; i++) {
        next = prompt ("Enter the temperature for day " + (i+1));
        next = parseint(next);
        while (isNaN(next)===true) {
            next = 0;
            next = prompt ("Error in input! Try again >>");
            next = parseInt(next);}
    total = total + next;
    return temperatures; 

function calcAverage(total, numDays) {
    average = total / numDays;
    return average;

function showStatistics(city, average, numdays) {
    alert ("The average daily temperature for "+ city +  " is " + average.toFixed(2) + " measured over " + numDays + " days." );

//main program
city = getCity();
numDays = getNumDays();
temperatures = getTemps(numDays);
Average = calcAverage(total, numDays);
showStatistics(city, average, numDays);


function getCity() {
    //get the locale to help with the display
    city = prompt("Enter your city >> ");

//main program
city = getCity();


另外,total = total + next;行似乎不合适:我想象totaltotaltemperatures,而不是0 + temperatureOfLastDay

关于error-handling - JSFiddle代码遇到的问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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