python-2.7 - 尝试编写Python闭包的语法无效

标签 python-2.7 closures syntax-error

我正在尝试编写一个函数(在Python 2.7中),该函数具有未偿还的余额和年利率,然后使用二等分搜索 to solve problem #3将每月的最小付款额返回至最近的分。我正在尝试通过在主函数内编写一个函数来遵循DRY原则,该函数应在一年后返回一个包含余额和月数的列表(如果余额为零或更少,循环应该中断),这需要计算两次在我的主要职能上。当我尝试在继续操作之前测试此初始封闭时,在分配monthlyPayment的行上收到语法错误。我究竟做错了什么?

# Problem Set 1("C")
# Time Spent: xx hours

def payInOne_BisectionSearch (balance,annualRate):
    #initialize variables
    initialBalance = balance
    monthlyRate = annualRate/12
    minMonthly = balance/12
    maxMonthly = (balance * (1 + monthlyRate ** 12 )/12
    monthlyPayment = (minMonthly + maxMonthly)/2
    numMonths = 1
    #define function to check balance after 12 months       
    def balanceAfterYear (balance, monthlyRate, monthlyPayment):
        for numMonths in range (1,13):
            interest = balance * monthlyRate
            balance += interest - monthlyPayment
            if balance <= 0:
        return [balance, numMonths]
    resultList = balanceAfterYear(initialBalance, monthlyRate, monthlyPayment)
    print resultList[0],resultList[1]

payInOne_BisectionSearch (input("Enter the outstanding balance"),input("Enter annual rate as a decimal"))



maxMonthly = (balance * (1 + monthlyRate ** 12 )/12

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