php - PHP本地服务器-两次错误-错误还是没有?

标签 php error-handling



ini_set('display_errors', '0');
ini_set('log_errors', '1');
ini_set('ignore_repeated_errors', true);

trigger_error('my notice', E_USER_NOTICE);
trigger_error('my warning', E_USER_WARNING);

如果在控制台中执行此代码(php example.php),则会得到以下预期输出:
PHP Notice:  my notice in C:\php\example.php on line 7
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() C:\php\example.php:0
PHP   2. trigger_error('my notice', 1024) C:\php\example.php:7
PHP Warning:  my warning in C:\php\example.php on line 8
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() C:\php\example.php:0
PHP   2. trigger_error('my warning', 512) C:\php\example.php:8

但是,如果将此脚本作为网页(php -S localhost:9000 example.php)运行,并打开URL,则会在控制台中获得以下输出:
PHP 7.1.10 Development Server started at Tue Oct 10 19:46:05 2017
Listening on http://localhost:9000
Document root is C:\php
Press Ctrl-C to quit.
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP Notice:  my notice in C:\php\example.php on line 7
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP Stack trace:
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP   1. {main}() C:\php\example.php:0
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP   2. trigger_error('my notice', 1024) C:\php\example.php:7
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP Warning:  my warning in C:\php\example.php on line 8
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP Stack trace:
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP   1. {main}() C:\php\example.php:0
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:06 2017] PHP   2. trigger_error('my warning', 512) C:\php\example.php:8
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP Notice:  my notice in C:\php\example.php on line 7
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP Stack trace:
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP   1. {main}() C:\php\example.php:0
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP   2. trigger_error('my notice', 1024) C:\php\example.php:7
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP Warning:  my warning in C:\php\example.php on line 8
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP Stack trace:
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP   1. {main}() C:\php\example.php:0
[Tue Oct 10 19:46:07 2017] PHP   2. trigger_error('my warning', 512) C:\php\example.php:8

最奇怪的是,如果在示例脚本的底部添加trigger_error('my error', E_USER_ERROR);,则 double 输出是固定的。

是什么原因造成的? INI配置是错误还是有些怪异?




php -S localhost:9000 C:\php

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