laravel - 处理 laravel 中的 jwt auth 错误

标签 laravel api error-handling jwt token

我正在开发一个rest api 项目。
我正在努力解决一个问题。当我收到 token 过期错误时,生成的代码将如下所示:

public function authenticate(Request $request){

    try {
        if (! $this->auth->parseToken()->authenticate()) {
            throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('jwt-auth', 'User not found');
    } catch (JWTException $e) {
        throw new UnauthorizedHttpException('jwt-auth', $e->getMessage(), $e, $e->getCode());



如何将其作为 JSON 类型返回?


App\Exceptions\Handler 类的渲染方法中捕获异常并返回 json 格式的响应:

// Handler.php
// import the class of the exception you want to render a json response for at the top
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\UnauthorizedHttpException;

public function render($request, Exception $exception)

  // if your api client has the correct content-type this expectsJson() 
  // should work. if not you may use $request->is('/api/*') to match the url.


    if($exception instanceof UnauthorizedHttpException) {

      return response()->json('Unauthorized', 403);



  return parent::render($request, $e);


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