error-handling - 如何找出 tcl 命令可能生成哪些错误?

标签 error-handling tcl

tcl try manpage ,它有以下示例:

try {
    set f [open /some/file/name w]
} trap {POSIX EISDIR} {} {
    puts "failed to open /some/file/name: it's a directory"
} trap {POSIX ENOENT} {} {
    puts "failed to open /some/file/name: it doesn't exist"

那太好了,它有效,但是我如何发现 {POSIX ENOENT}open 的可能陷阱模式? open manpage没有提到它。对于tcl中给定的任意命令,如何找出可能的错误是什么?


try {} trap {} 用于当存在需要捕获的特定错误时。 对于更一般的陷阱,请使用try {} on error {}

try {
   set fh [open myfile.txt w]
} on error {err res} {
   puts "Error on open: $res"


if { [catch {set fh [open myfile.txt w]}] } {
   puts "error on open."

引用文献:try catch

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