error-handling - _Unwind_Backtrace 用于 FreeRTOS 上的不同上下文

标签 error-handling embedded freertos libunwind

您好,我正在尝试在 FreeRTOS 项目中实现错误处理。在 WatchDog 复位之前,处理程序由 WatchDog 中断触发。思路是记录失败任务的任务名+调用栈。
我设法回溯了一个调用堆栈,但在错误的上下文中,即中断的上下文中。虽然我需要存储在 pxCurrentTCB 中的失败任务的上下文。但我不知道如何告诉 _Unwind_Backtrace 使用它而不是调用它的中断上下文。 所以我想 _Unwind_Backtrace 不是调用它的上下文,而是针对 pxCurrentTCB 中找到的不同上下文。我已经搜索并试图了解 _Unwind_Backtrace 是如何工作的,但没有成功,所以请帮忙。

_Unwind_Reason_Code unwind_backtrace_callback(_Unwind_Context * context, void * arg)
    static uint8_t row = 1;
    char str_buff[BUFF_SIZE];
    uintptr_t pc = _Unwind_GetIP(context);
    if (pc && row < MAX_ROW) {
        snprintf(str_buff, sizeof(str_buff), "%d .. 0x%x", row, pc);
        printString(str_buff, 0, ROW_SIZE * row++);
    return _URC_NO_REASON;

void WDOG1_DriverIRQHandler(void)
    printString(pxCurrentTCB->pcTaskName, 0, 0);

    _Unwind_Backtrace(unwind_backtrace_callback, 0);

    while(1) Wdog_Service();


事实证明,OpenMRN 实现了您正在寻找的解决方案:

可在此处找到更多信息:Stack Backtrace for ARM core using GCC compiler (when there is a MSP to PSP switch) .引用这篇文章:

This is doable but needs access to internal details of how libgcc implements the _Unwind_Backtrace function. Fortunately the code is open-source, but depending on such internal details is brittle in that it may break in future versions of armgcc without any notice.

Generally, reading through the source of libgcc doing the backtrace, it creates an inmemory virtual representation of the CPU core registers, then uses this representation to walk up the stack, simulating exception throws. The first thing that _Unwind_Backtrace does is fill in this context from the current CPU registers, then call an internal implementation function.

Creating that context manually from the stacked exception structure is sufficient to fake the backtrace going from handler mode upwards through the call stack in most cases. Here is some example code (from

/// This struct definition mimics the internal structures of libgcc in
/// arm-none-eabi binary. It's not portable and might break in the future.
struct core_regs
    unsigned r[16];

/// This struct definition mimics the internal structures of libgcc in
/// arm-none-eabi binary. It's not portable and might break in the future.
typedef struct
    unsigned demand_save_flags;
    struct core_regs core;
} phase2_vrs;

/// We store what we know about the external context at interrupt entry in this
/// structure.
phase2_vrs main_context;
/// Saved value of the lr register at the exception entry.
unsigned saved_lr;

/// Takes registers from the core state and the saved exception context and
/// fills in the structure necessary for the LIBGCC unwinder.
void fill_phase2_vrs(volatile unsigned *fault_args)
    main_context.demand_save_flags = 0;
    main_context.core.r[0] = fault_args[0];
    main_context.core.r[1] = fault_args[1];
    main_context.core.r[2] = fault_args[2];
    main_context.core.r[3] = fault_args[3];
    main_context.core.r[12] = fault_args[4];
    // We add +2 here because first thing libgcc does with the lr value is
    // subtract two, presuming that lr points to after a branch
    // instruction. However, exception entry's saved PC can point to the first
    // instruction of a function and we don't want to have the backtrace end up
    // showing the previous function.
    main_context.core.r[14] = fault_args[6] + 2;
    main_context.core.r[15] = fault_args[6];
    saved_lr = fault_args[5];
    main_context.core.r[13] = (unsigned)(fault_args + 8); // stack pointer
extern "C"
    _Unwind_Reason_Code __gnu_Unwind_Backtrace(
        _Unwind_Trace_Fn trace, void *trace_argument, phase2_vrs *entry_vrs);

/// Static variable for trace_func.
void *last_ip;

/// Callback from the unwind backtrace function.
_Unwind_Reason_Code trace_func(struct _Unwind_Context *context, void *arg)
    void *ip;
    ip = (void *)_Unwind_GetIP(context);
    if (strace_len == 0)
        // stacktrace[strace_len++] = ip;
        // By taking the beginning of the function for the immediate interrupt
        // we will attempt to coalesce more traces.
        // ip = (void *)_Unwind_GetRegionStart(context);
    else if (last_ip == ip)
        if (strace_len == 1 && saved_lr != _Unwind_GetGR(context, 14))
            _Unwind_SetGR(context, 14, saved_lr);
            return _URC_NO_REASON;
        return _URC_END_OF_STACK;
    if (strace_len >= MAX_STRACE - 1)
        return _URC_END_OF_STACK;
    // stacktrace[strace_len++] = ip;
    last_ip = ip;
    ip = (void *)_Unwind_GetRegionStart(context);
    stacktrace[strace_len++] = ip;
    return _URC_NO_REASON;

/// Called from the interrupt handler to take a CPU trace for the current
/// exception.
void take_cpu_trace()
    memset(stacktrace, 0, sizeof(stacktrace));
    strace_len = 0;
    last_ip = nullptr;
    phase2_vrs first_context = main_context;
    __gnu_Unwind_Backtrace(&trace_func, 0, &first_context);
    // This is a workaround for the case when the function in which we had the
    // exception trigger does not have a stack saved LR. In this case the
    // backtrace will fail after the first step. We manually append the second
    // step to have at least some idea of what's going on.
    if (strace_len == 1)
        main_context.core.r[14] = saved_lr;
        main_context.core.r[15] = saved_lr;
        __gnu_Unwind_Backtrace(&trace_func, 0, &main_context);
    unsigned h = hash_trace(strace_len, (unsigned *)stacktrace);
    struct trace *t = find_current_trace(h);
    if (!t)
        t = add_new_trace(h);
    if (t)
        t->total_size += 1;

/// Change this value to runtime disable and enable the CPU profile gathering
/// code.
bool enable_profiling = 0;

/// Helper function to declare the CPU usage tick interrupt.
/// @param irq_handler_name is the name of the interrupt to declare, for example
/// timer4a_interrupt_handler.
/// @param CLEAR_IRQ_FLAG is a c++ statement or statements in { ... } that will
/// be executed before returning from the interrupt to clear the timer IRQ flag.
    extern "C"                                                                 \
    {                                                                          \
        void __attribute__((__noinline__)) load_monitor_interrupt_handler(     \
            volatile unsigned *exception_args, unsigned exception_return_code) \
        {                                                                      \
            if (enable_profiling)                                              \
            {                                                                  \
                fill_phase2_vrs(exception_args);                               \
                take_cpu_trace();                                              \
            }                                                                  \
            cpuload_tick(exception_return_code & 4 ? 0 : 255);                 \
            CLEAR_IRQ_FLAG;                                                    \
        }                                                                      \
        void __attribute__((__naked__)) irq_handler_name(void)                 \
        {                                                                      \
            __asm volatile("mov  r0, %0 \n"                                    \
                           "str  r4, [r0, 4*4] \n"                             \
                           "str  r5, [r0, 5*4] \n"                             \
                           "str  r6, [r0, 6*4] \n"                             \
                           "str  r7, [r0, 7*4] \n"                             \
                           "str  r8, [r0, 8*4] \n"                             \
                           "str  r9, [r0, 9*4] \n"                             \
                           "str  r10, [r0, 10*4] \n"                           \
                           "str  r11, [r0, 11*4] \n"                           \
                           "str  r12, [r0, 12*4] \n"                           \
                           "str  r13, [r0, 13*4] \n"                           \
                           "str  r14, [r0, 14*4] \n"                           \
                           :                                                   \
                           : "r"(main_context.core.r)                          \
                           : "r0");                                            \
            __asm volatile(" tst   lr, #4               \n"                    \
                           " ite   eq                   \n"                    \
                           " mrseq r0, msp              \n"                    \
                           " mrsne r0, psp              \n"                    \
                           " mov r1, lr \n"                                    \
                           " ldr r2,  =load_monitor_interrupt_handler  \n"     \
                           " bx  r2  \n"                                       \
                           :                                                   \
                           :                                                   \
                           : "r0", "r1", "r2");                                \
        }                                                                      \

This code is designed to take a CPU profile using a timer interrupt, but the backtrace unwinding can be reused from any handler including fault handlers. Read the code from the bottom to the top:

  • It is important that the IRQ function be defined with the attribute __naked__, otherwise the function entry header of GCC will manipulate the state of the CPU in unpredictable way, modifying the stack pointer for example.
  • First thing we save all other core registers that are not in the exception entry struct. We need to do this from assembly right at the beginning, because these will be typically modified by later C code when they are used as temporary registers.
  • Then we reconstruct the stack pointer from before the interrupt; the code will work whether the processor was in handler or thread mode before. This pointer is the exception entry structure. This code does not handle stacks that are not 4-byte aligned, but I never saw armgcc do that anyway.
  • The rest of the code is in C/C++, we fill in the internal structure we took from libgcc, then call the internal implementation of the unwinding process. There are some adjustments we need to make to work around certain assumptions of libgcc that do not hold upon exception entry.
  • There is one specific situation where the unwinding does not work, which is if the exception happened in a leaf function that does not save LR to the stack upon entry. This never happens when you try to do a backtrace from process mode, because the backtrace function being called will ensure that the calling function is not a leaf. I tried to apply some workarounds by adjusting the LR register during the backtracing process itself, but I'm not convinced it works every time. I'm interested in suggestions on how to do this better.

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