http - 如何使用拒绝和问号运算符处理 Warp 中的错误?

标签 http error-handling rust rust-warp

使用 0.2.2 ,让我们考虑一个基本的 Web 服务,它有一个路由 GET / :

async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    let getRoot = warp::get().and(warp::path::end()).and_then(routes::getRoot);
    warp::serve(getRoot).run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 3030)).await;
我的目标是使用 ?用于路由处理程序中的错误处理,所以让我们在 crate::routes 中编写一个可以出错并提前返回的处理程序:
use crate::errors::ServiceError;
use url::Url;

pub async fn getRoot() -> Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection> {
    let _parsed_url = Url::parse(&"").map_err(ServiceError::from)?;

    Ok("Hello world !")
这里是 Url::parse() 返回的错误是 url::ParseError要在错误类型之间进行转换,从 url::ParseErrorServiceError ,然后从 ServiceErrorwarp::Rejection , 我在 crate::errors 中写了一些错误助手:
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum ServiceError {
    Other(#[from] anyhow::Error), // source and Display delegate to anyhow::Error
impl warp::reject::Reject for ServiceError {}
impl From<ServiceError> for warp::reject::Rejection {
    fn from(e: ServiceError) -> Self {
impl From<url::ParseError> for ServiceError {
    fn from(e: url::ParseError) -> Self {

现在,上述工作,我正在尝试缩短第二个代码块以使用 ?直接用于错误处理,并自动从底层错误(此处为 url::ParseError )转换为 warp::Rejection .
use crate::errors::ServiceError;
use url::Url;

pub async fn getRoot() -> Result<impl warp::Reply, ServiceError> {
    let _parsed_url = Url::parse(&"")?;

    Ok("Hello world !")
url::ParseErrorUrl::Parse 返回将正常转换为 ServiceError 以返回,但从我的处理程序返回 ServiceError 不起作用。
error[E0277]: the trait bound `errors::ServiceError: warp::reject::sealed::CombineRejection<warp::reject::Rejection>` is not satisfied
   --> src/
102 |     let getRoot = warp::get().and(warp::path::end()).and_then(routes::getRoot);
    |                                                      ^^^^^^^^ the trait `warp::reject::sealed::CombineRejection<warp::reject::Rejection>` is not implemented for `errors::ServiceError`
有没有办法可以使用 ? 来保持简短的错误处理?只有或者:
  • 制作 ServiceError实现warp::reject::sealed::CombineRejection<warp::reject::Rejection> ?
  • 解决这个问题?
  • 最佳答案

    你可以实现From将您的错误类型转换为 warp::Rejection 使用 reject::custom . Rejection封装自定义类型,您可以稍后选择在 recover 中进行检查处理程序。

    use serde::Deserialize;
    use snafu::{ensure, Snafu};
    use std::convert::Infallible;
    use warp::{
        filters::{any, query, BoxedFilter},
        Filter, Rejection, Reply,
    // A normal error type, created by SNAFU
    #[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
    #[snafu(display("Expected a value less than 10, but it was {}", value))]
    struct LessThanTenError {
        value: i32,
    // A function that might fail
    fn validate(value: i32) -> Result<i32, LessThanTenError> {
        ensure!(value < 10, LessThanTenContext { value });
    // We need a custom type to later extract from the `Rejection`. In
    // this case, we can reuse the error type itself.
    impl Reject for LessThanTenError {}
    // To allow using `?`, we implement a conversion from our error to
    // `Rejection`
    impl From<LessThanTenError> for Rejection {
        fn from(other: LessThanTenError) -> Self {
    async fn main() {
        let api = simple_math().recover(report_invalid);
        let p: std::net::SocketAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
    struct QueryParams {
        a: i32,
        b: i32,
    fn simple_math() -> BoxedFilter<(impl Reply,)> {
            .and_then(|args: QueryParams| async move {
                // Look at us using those question marks!
                let a = validate(args.a)?;
                let b = validate(args.b)?;
                let sum = validate(a + b)?;
                // We specify that we are returning an error type of
                // `Rejection`, which allows the compiler to know what
                // type to convert to when using `?` here.
                Ok::<_, Rejection>(format!("The sum is {}", sum))
    async fn report_invalid(r: Rejection) -> Result<impl Reply, Infallible> {
        if let Some(e) = r.find::<LessThanTenError>() {
            // It was our specific error type, do whatever we want. We
            // will just print out the error text.
        } else {
            // Do prettier error reporting for the default error here.
                String::from("Something bad happened"),
    serde = { version = "1.0.118", features = ["derive"] }
    snafu = "0.6.10"
    tokio = { version = "0.2.23", features = ["full"] }
    warp = "0.2.5"
    % curl ''
    < HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Something bad happened
    % curl -v ''
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    The sum is 3
    % curl -v ''
    < HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Expected a value less than 10, but it was 11
  • Is there a way to do validation as part of a filter in Warp?
  • When should I implement std::convert::From vs std::convert::Into?
  • How do you define custom `Error` types in Rust?
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