c++ - Boost MSM 开启当前状态

标签 c++ boost state


我正在使用 Boosts Meta State Machine 库来实现我的状态机。根据我所处的状态调用函数的最佳方法是什么?

假设我有一个 super 简单的状态机:

struct run {};
struct stop {}; 

struct MyStateMachine : public boost::msm::front::state_machine_def<MyStateMachine>
    // FSM states
    struct Idle : public boost::msm::front::state<> {};
    struct Running : public boost::msm::front::state<> {};

    typedef Idle initial_state;

    // transition actions
    void do_start(run const&)  { std::cout << "Starting\n"; }
    void do_stop(stop const&)  { std::cout << "Stopping\n"; }

    struct transition_table : boost::mpl::vector<
        //    Start     Event     Next     Action               
      a_row < Idle     , run    , Running, &MyStateMachine::do_start   >,
      a_row < Running  , stop   , Idle   , &MyStateMachine::do_stop    >
    > {};


1) 开启当前状态
class MyModule : RealTimeModule
    void Init() override  { // Called before realtime

    void Step() override {  // Called once each iteration during realtime

        case 0:      do_idle();     break;
        case 1:      do_run();      break;
        default:     assert();

    void DoEvent(Event e) override { // Called once per received event


    boost::msm::back::state_machine<MyStateMachine> fsm_;

这似乎不太好,因为没有直观的方法可以知道 case 0是空闲还是 case 1在跑。

struct run {}; 
struct stop {};
struct step {}; // !!!NEW EVENT!!!

struct MyStateMachine : public boost::msm::front::state_machine_def<MyStateMachine>
    // transition actions
    void do_start(run const&)  { std::cout << "Starting\n"; }
    void do_stop(stop const&)  { std::cout << "Stopping\n"; }
    void do_idle(step const&)  { std::cout << "Idling  \n";  } //!!!NEW ACTION!!!
    void do_run (step const&)  { std::cout << "Running \n";  } //!!!NEW ACTION!!!

    struct transition_table : boost::mpl::vector<
        //    Start     Event     Next     Action               
      a_row < Idle     , run    , Running, &MyStateMachine::do_start   >,
      a_row < Running  , stop   , Idle   , &MyStateMachine::do_stop    >,
      a_row < Idle     , step   , Idle   , &MyStateMachine::do_idle    >, //!!!NEW TRANSITION!!!
      a_row < Running  , step   , Running, &MyStateMachine::do_step    > //!!!NEW TRANSITION!!!
    > {};

class MyModule : RealTimeModule
    void Step() override {
        fsm_.process_event(step); //!!!SIMPLIFIED STEP!!!

这似乎好一点,但我的问题是,如果我想实现 boost::msm::front::state<>::on_entry()on_exit ,那么这些函数将在每次迭代时调用,而不是在转换到该状态时调用。

我发现使用仿函数前端使用 here 可以在没有转换的情况下调用带有事件的操作。 .转换表中的行如下所示:
msm::front::Row < Idle, step, msm::front::none, step_idle, msm::front::none >

struct do_step {
    template <class Event, class Fsm, class SourceState, class TargetState>
    void operator()(Event const&, Fsm&, SourceState&, TargetState&) const {
        std::cout << "Idling" << std::endl;

也许这是一种风格,但这似乎太冗长而不能成为一个好的解决方案。有没有办法添加类似 msm::front::none 的内容通过使用简单的前端而不是仿函数前端?


好的,我找到了答案。让我很恼火的是,我真的需要阅读未注释的 boost header 而不是文档或引用资料来弄清楚该怎么做。

我需要使用 a_irow不涉及转换的结构,而只是调用 Action :

struct transition_table : boost::mpl::vector<
    //    Start     Event     Next     Action               
  a_row < Idle     , run    , Running, &MyStateMachine::do_start   >,
  a_row < Running  , stop   , Idle   , &MyStateMachine::do_stop    >,
 a_irow < Idle     , step   ,          &MyStateMachine::do_idle    >,
 a_irow < Running  , step   ,          &MyStateMachine::do_step    >
> {};

 a_row<Source, Event, Target, Action       >
  _row<Source, Event, Target               >
   row<Source, Event, Target, Action, Guard>
 g_row<Source, Event, Target,         Guard>
a_irow<Source, Event,       , Action       >
  irow<Source, Event,         Action, Guard>
g_irow<Source, Event,                 Guard>
 _irow<Source, Event,                      >  // Forces events to be ignored

typename Source;
class    Event;
typename Target;
typedef void (Derived::*action)(Event const&) Action;
typedef bool (Derived::*guard)(Event const&)  Guard;


关于c++ - Boost MSM 开启当前状态,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51284931/


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