c++ - 在CUDA中取消分配数组的一部分

标签 c++ cuda


float *d_x;
cudaMalloc(&x, N*sizeof(float));
uint operation1(float* d_x)
    // call some kernel and wait for the kernel to execute.
    // The kernel reorders x into [3,3,1,5,1,0,0,0,0,0]
    return n; // n in this case is 5, because there are 5 nonzero values in d_x
void operation2(float* d_x, int n)
    // call another kernel, sorting the subarray [3,3,1,5,1], and never touching the values at index
    // n or above
    // In other words, sort the subarray of values *d_x, *(d_x + 1), ... *(d_x + n - 1) to get
    // [1,1,3,3,5]

int main()
    float* d_x;
    // fill d_x with input data
    int n = operation1(d_x);
    // many many lines of code doing several other things with it.
    operation2(d_x, n);
    // more code.
  • 取消分配operation1之后将不再使用的数组部分是个好主意吗?
  • 如果可以,最安全,最干净的方法是什么?
  • 最佳答案

    Is it a good idea to deallocate the part of the array that will no longer be used after operation1?

    这并不是一个完全不受支持的“好”主意。 CUDA API中没有重新分配样式的操作,并且考虑到GPU上内存分配的成本和同步性,从性能的 Angular 来看也不是一个好主意,即使有这样的事情(或您自己等效的免拷贝分配)实现)。

    If yes, what is the safest and cleanest way to go about this?


    关于c++ - 在CUDA中取消分配数组的一部分,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64969767/


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