javascript - 是否可以直接评估Mapbox表达式?

标签 javascript expression interpreter mapbox-gl-js

我正在寻找一种JavaScript表达式语法来指定JSON中的 Action 。 Mapbox's Expressions正是我要寻找的东西,但是我找不到关于是否可以在Mapbox之外使用的任何文档。那可能吗?如果是这样,您将如何做?



  • 数组是表达式,而所有其他JSON类型都是文字(奇怪的是,这直接意味着没有数组文字!稍后我将详细说明修复问题)
  • 数组的第一项是要执行的函数,而其余各项是该函数的参数。
  • 根对象不一定与表达式语法相关,只是它们发生的地方才使用它。
  • 唯一的“有状态”是let / var函数,该函数允许您创建范围为封闭的let表达式的变量,这表明它们有某种方式可以将上下文传递给函数。

  • 所以,让我们建立一个!我将尝试在下面逐行浏览代码,但是如果您喜欢那里的格式,也可以只看问题末尾的代码片段源。

    const OPERATIONS = {};
    const evaluate = (expression, context = {}) => {
      if (!(expression instanceof Array)) {
        return expression;
      const [operationKey, ...rawParameters] = expression;
      const operation = OPERATIONS[operationKey];
    我们通过恐慌来处理未知的操作! AAAH!
      if (operation == null) {
        throw new Error(`Unknown operation ${operationKey}!`);
      return operation(context, rawParameters);
    OPERATIONS["-"] = (context, [a, b]) => evaluate(a, context) - evaluate(b, context);
    OPERATIONS["+"] = (context, [a, b]) => evaluate(a, context) + evaluate(b, context);
    OPERATIONS["*"] = (context, parameters) => parameters
      .map(p => evaluate(p, context))
      .reduce((accumulator, x) => accumulator * x);
    OPERATIONS["array"] = (context, parameters) => parameters
      .map(p => evaluate(p, context));
    太酷了,但是撒旦本人的邪恶之子呢? letvar吗?
    OPERATIONS["var"] = (context, [variable]) => context[variable];
    OPERATIONS["let"] = (context, [...definitions]) => {
      const innerContext = { ...context };
      const body = definitions.pop()
      if (definitions.length % 2 === 1) {
        throw new Error("Unmatched definitions!");
      for (let i = 0; i < definitions.length - 1; i += 2) {
        const name = definitions[i];
        const value = definitions[i + 1];
        innerContext[name] = evaluate(value, innerContext);
    变量已完成,现在让我们评估一下 body !
      return evaluate(body, innerContext);
    我编写了此代码片段,以演示它如何最终工作,并且如果您的风格如此,则使用代码注释而不是识字编码。 HTML和CSS无关紧要,只是一些口红使其显得更像样。

    // Here we will later define all functions available for the expression language
    const OPERATIONS = {};
    // Now, let's set up the evaluator function.
    // It obviously must receive the expression it will evaluate,
    // but also a context that can be modified by operations.
    const evaluate = (expression, context = {}) => {
      // First, we deal with literals by evaluating them as themselves
      if (!(expression instanceof Array)) {
        return expression;
      // Right, now to the real deal:
      // let's find out what operation to run and its parameters.
      const [operationKey, ...rawParameters] = expression;
      const operation = OPERATIONS[operationKey];
      // We handle unknown operations by panicking! AAAH!
      if (operation == null) {
        throw new Error(`Unknown operation ${operationKey}!`);
      // Oh nice, we know this operation! Now, how should we call it?
      // It obviously needs to receive its parameters, as well as the context,
      // in case it is one of those pesky stateful operations. Plus, as we
      // have seen with Mapbox's `let`, operations can create new contexts!
      // I propose the following signature, though you can change it for your
      // particular preference and use-cases:
      // First parameter:
      //      Current context
      // Second parameter:
      //      Array of all of the operation's parameters. This makes for
      //      easy iteration if the operation is variadic, and simpler stuff
      //      can still just use deconstruction to have a "fixed" signature.
      //      We will pass the parameters "raw", not evaluated, so that the
      //      operation can do whatever evil things it wants to do to them.
      // Return value:
      //      Whatever the operation wants to evaluate to!
      return operation(context, rawParameters);
    // Right, right, we have set up the evaluator, but how do we actually use it?
    // We need some operations, let's start with the easy ones to wet our feet:
    // Remember how I said above that the parameters array comes in raw?
    // We'll need to evaluate them manually inside our operation functions.
    OPERATIONS["-"] = (context, [a, b]) => evaluate(a, context) - evaluate(b, context);
    OPERATIONS["+"] = (context, [a, b]) => evaluate(a, context) + evaluate(b, context);
    // Okay, that was easy, but what if we want
    // to accept an arbitrary amount of arguments?
    OPERATIONS["*"] = (context, parameters) => parameters
      .map(p => evaluate(p, context))
      .reduce((accumulator, x) => accumulator * x);
    // Right, now let's implement those arrays we spoke of.
    // The solution is simple, have an operation that
    // creates the array from its parameters!
    OPERATIONS["array"] = (context, parameters) => parameters
      .map(p => evaluate(p, context));
    // Cool, cool, but what about the evil spawns of Satan himself? Let and Var?
    // Let's start with the lesser of them:
    // Easy, we just read whatever was stored in the context for that variable name!
    OPERATIONS["var"] = (context, [variable]) => context[variable];
    // Now, the "tricky" one, Let, which is both variadic AND changes the context!
    // I'll pull out my braces here  because it's gonna be a bit bigger than the
    // previous beautiful one-line operations!
    OPERATIONS["let"] = (context, [...definitions]) => {
      // Right, we have A context, but we don't want to pollute it outside
      // the Let block! So let's copy it to a new temporary one:
      const innerContext = { ...context
      // Now we need to loop the definitions, remember, they are 2 elements each:
      // A variable name, and its value expression! But first, we need to pick
      // out the last argument which is the expression to be executed in the
      // resulting context:
      const body = definitions.pop()
      // Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way, if we have an odd number of
      // things in our definitions, the user is wrong! Let's throw it on their
      // ugly face! Let's use a cryptic error message just to be evil...
      if (definitions.length % 2 === 1) {
        throw new Error("Unmatched definitions!");
      // Cool, now we get to do the cool stuff which is create those variables:
      for (let i = 0; i < definitions.length - 1; i += 2) {
        const name = definitions[i];
        const value = definitions[i + 1];
        // Here I made the choice that variables in the same block can depend
        // on previous variables, if that's not to your liking, use the parent
        // context instead of the one we're modifying at the moment.
        innerContext[name] = evaluate(value, innerContext);
      // Variables are DONE, now let's evaluate the body!
      return evaluate(body, innerContext);
    // Bonus points for reading the snippet code:
    // Remember that we are not limited to numeric values,
    // anything that JSON accepts we accept too!
    // So here's some simple string manipulation.
    OPERATIONS["join"] = (context, [separator, things]) => evaluate(things, context)
    // And we're done! That is the basic of evaluating a syntax tree!
    // Not really relevant to the question itself, just a quick and dirty REPL
    (() => {
      const input = document.getElementById("input");
      const output = document.getElementById("output");
      const runSnippet = () => {
        let expression;
        try {
          expression = JSON.parse(input.value);
        } catch (e) {
          // Let the user type at peace by not spamming errors on partial JSON
        const result = evaluate(expression);
        output.innerText = JSON.stringify(result, null, 2);
      input.addEventListener("input", runSnippet);
    html {
      display: flex;
      align-items: stretch;
      justify-content: stretch;
      height: 100vh;
      background: beige;
    body {
      flex: 1;
      display: grid;
      grid-template-rows: 1fr auto;
      grid-gap: 1em;
    textarea {
      padding: 0.5em;
      border: none;
      background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
      color: white;
      resize: none;
    <textarea id="input">
      "pi", 3.14159,
      "radius", 5,
        " ",
          "a circle with radius",
          ["var", "radius"],
          "has a perimeter of",
            ["var", "pi"],
            ["var", "radius"]
    <pre id="output">

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