javascript - 带有 javascript 标签的 Youtube iframe API

标签 javascript api iframe youtube

我正在构建一个在线“电视”,它将为多个 channel 使用 YouTube 直播。

channel 包含在选项卡中。更改标签时需要停止视频,否则您可以在后台听到音频。

这是 JSFiddle 的链接:

切换到另一个 channel 时,我设法关闭了“ channel 1”:

  var iframe = document.getElementsByClassName("tvscreen")[0].contentWindow;

 iframe.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*');

在标签 javascript for 循环中,它也处理 tabcontent[i].style.display = "none";

使用 iframe.postMessage('{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', '*'); 也会有所帮助因此,当单击相关选项卡时,视频会再次自动播放......但我又不太确定如何实现这一点。


谢谢阅读! :)


您没有正确使用 YouTube 的 API。见

在你的 fiddle 中,程序化 play不可能,因为您不知道 YouTube 播放器何时准备就绪,因为您不是初始化它的人。您对 play 的尝试视频可能发生得太早了。

程序化 pause (您设法暂停了第一个视频)感谢 enablejsapi=1在 iframe src 中以及播放器此时已准备好这一事实。

这是你的 fiddle 的 fork -


// load YouTube iframe API as soon as possible, taken from their docs
var tag = document.createElement('script'); = 'iframe-demo';
tag.src = '';
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

// initialised players are kept here so we don't have to destroy and reinit
var ytPlayers = {};

function mountChannel(channel) {
    var player;
    var iframeContainer = document.querySelectorAll('#' + channel + ' iframe');

    // if the channel & iframe we want to "mount" exist, check for playing iframes before doing anything else
    if (iframeContainer.length > 0) {
        // Object.keys() is ECMA 5+, sorry about this, but no easy to check if an object is empty
        // alternatively, you could have an array, but in that case, you won't be able to fetch a specific player as fast
        // if you don't need that functionality, array is as good cause you will just loop through active players and destroy them
        var activePlayersKeys = Object.keys(ytPlayers);
        if (activePlayersKeys.length > 0) { // if players exist in the pool, destroy them
            for (var i = 0; i < activePlayersKeys.length; i++) {
                var activeChannel = activePlayersKeys[i];
                var activePlayer = ytPlayers[activeChannel];

                activePlayer.getIframe().classList.remove('playing'); // mark pause accordingly, by removing class, not necessary

        // check if player already initialised and if player exists, check if it has resumeVideo as a function
        if (ytPlayers.hasOwnProperty(channel)) {
        } else {
            var iframe = iframeContainer[0];
            player = new YT.Player(iframe, {
                events: {
                    'onReady': function (event) {
                        // is the YT player
                        // get the actual DOM node iframe nad mark it as playing via a class, styling purposes, not necessary
                        // play the video
                        // video may not autoplay all the time in Chrome, despite its state being cued and this event getting triggered, this happens due to a lot of factors 

                    // you should also implement `onStateChange` in order to track video state (as a result of user actions directly via YouTube controls) -

            // append to the list
            ytPlayers[channel] = player;

    // Get the element with id="defaultOpen" and click on it
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
    // YouTube API will call this when it's ready, only then attempt to "mount" the initial channel

这是我第一次使用 YouTube 的 iframe API,但这似乎是合理的。

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