youtube - 如何从YouTube数据API搜索结果中删除 `limitedSyndication`

标签 youtube gdata-api youtube-api gdata

上面的查询中未使用restriction参数,因为YouTube Data API reference guide声明以下内容:

By default, the API filters out videos that cannot be played in the country from which you send API requests.

难道我做错了什么? (除了搜索麦当娜)




To request videos playable from a specific computer, include the restriction parameter in your request and set the parameter value to the IP address of the computer where the videos will be played – e.g. restriction= To request videos that are playable in a specific country, include the restriction parameter in your request and set the parameter value to the ISO 3166 two-letter country code of the country where the videos will be played – e.g. restriction=DE. You should include this parameter in any request to retrieve a list of videos, including search results, playlists, favorite videos, video responses and so forth. If a video in the API response is not playable in the location that you're using to restrict availability of the content, the <entry> for that tag will not contain a <media:content> tag. However, it will contain a <yt:state> tag that indicates that the video is restricted.

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