gradle - 在Gradle构建生命周期的后期配置任务

标签 gradle

我有一个多项目构建。构建中的某些项目会产生测试结果。一个项目产生一个安装程序,我希望该项目的 Artifact 包括所有其他项目的测试结果。我试图这样做(在产生安装程序的项目中):

// Empty test task, so that we can make the gathering of test results here depend on the tests' having
// been run in other projects in the build
task test << {

def dependentTestResultsDir = new File( buildDir, 'dependentTestResults' )

task gatherDependentTestResults( type: Zip, dependsOn: test ) {

    project.parent.subprojects.each { subproject ->

        // Find projects in this build which have a testResults configuration
        if( subproject.configurations.find { == 'testResults' } ) {

            // Extract the test results (which are in a zip file) into a directory
            def tmpDir = new File( dependentTestResultsDir, )
            subproject.copy {
                from zipTree( subproject.configurations['testResults'].artifacts.files.singleFile )
                into tmpDir

    // Define the output of this task as the contents of that tree
    from dependentTestResultsDir

问题在于,在配置此任务时,其他项目中的测试任务尚未运行,因此它们的 Artifact 不存在,并且我在构建过程中收到如下消息:
The specified zip file ZIP 'C:\[path to project]\build\distributions\[artifact].zip' does not exist and will be silently ignored. This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 2.0

因此,我需要做的事情将延迟我的任务的配置,直到实际生成测试 Artifact 为止。实现此目的的惯用方式是什么?



在这种情况下,您应该可以通过添加<<使其成为一个 Action ,如下所示:

task gatherDependentTestResults( type: Zip, dependsOn: test ) << {
    // your task code here

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