python - 如何使用 pyspark 为非 pairwiseRDDs 正确 groupByKey

标签 python python-2.7 hadoop pyspark rdd

我是 Python 新手。我也是 pysaprk 的新手。我正在尝试运行一个代码,它采用一个元组的元组,看起来像这样 (id , (span, mention)) 来执行 .map(lambda (id, (span, text )): (id, text)).


 m = text\
            .map(lambda (id, (span, text)): (id, text))\
            .mapValues(lambda v: ngrams(v, self.max_ngram))\'''error triggered here'''
            .flatMap(lambda (target, tokens): (((target, t), 1) for t in tokens))\

原始数据的格式(id, source, span, text):

 {'_id': u'',
  'source': '',
  'span': (61, 73),
  'text': u'"Plinthocoelium virens" is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae.'},
 {'_id': u'',
  'source': '',
  'span': (20, 29),
  'text': u'It was described by Dru Drury in 1770.'}]


 for k, v in iterator:
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not str

我知道 groupByKey 在 pairwiseRDDs 上工作,所以我想知道如何正确执行 groupByKey 来解决这个问题?


我正在使用 python 2.7 和 pyspark 2.3.0。



首先,您需要将数据映射到具有键和值的表单,然后是 groupByKey .

键和值形式始终是元组 (a, b),键为 a,值为 b。 a 和 b 本身可能是元组。

rdd = sc.parallelize([{'_id': u'',
  'source': '',
  'span': (61, 73),
  'text': u'"Plinthocoelium virens" is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae.'},
 {'_id': u'',
  'source': '',
  'span': (20, 29),
  'text': u'It was described by Dru Drury in 1770.'},
 {'_id': u'',
  'source': '',
  'span': (20, 29, 2),
  'text': u'It was described by Dru Drury in 1770.2'}])

print x: (x["_id"], (x["span"], x["text"]))).groupByKey()\
.map(lambda x: (x[0], list(x[1]))).collect() 

[(u'', [((20, 29), u'It was described by Dru Drury in 1770.'), ((20, 29, 2), u'It was described by Dru Drury in 1770.2')]), (u'', [((61, 73), u'"Plinthocoelium virens" is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae.')])]

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