Flutter - 卡住包 - 如何正确组合类

标签 flutter dart composition

我很难理解如何将包用于基本情况,例如描述 API 请求/响应。我可能会陷入一个循环,在这个循环中我已经有了一些想法,并且我正试图不惜一切代价让它以这种方式工作,但我看不到更简单的解决方案。


abstract class BaseRequest with _$BaseRequest {
  const factory BaseRequest({
    @required int a,
    @required String b,
  }) = _BaseRequest;

abstract class BaseResponse with _$BaseResponse {
  const factory BaseResponse({
    @required bool c,
  }) = _BaseResponse;


abstract class Authentication with _$Authentication {
  const factory Authentication.request({
    @required int a,
    @required String b,
    @required String psw,
  }) = _AuthenticationRequest;

  const factory Authentication.response({
    @required bool c,
    @required String token,
  }) = _AuthenticationResponse;

  factory Authentication.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

那里有些东西很臭,我确定我遗漏了一些东西,而且我无法正确组合这些类。 在这种情况下,卡住甚至可能是矫枉过正?



将您的 BaseResponse/BaseRequest 更改为:

abstract class BaseRequest {
  int get a;
  String get b;

abstract class BaseResponse{
  bool get c;


abstract class Authentication with _$Authentication {
  const factory Authentication.request({
    @required BaseRequest request,
    @required String psw,
  }) = _AuthenticationRequest;

  const factory Authentication.response({
    @required BaseResponse response,
    @required String token,
  }) = _AuthenticationResponse;

关于Flutter - 卡住包 - 如何正确组合类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63779359/


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