dart - 使用Polymer-Dart为标签Web组件创建标签标题

标签 dart dart-polymer web-component

我正在尝试使用polymer-dart创建自定义标签 Web组件。组件本身是一个标签容器,其中可以包含自定义标签元素。

<custom-tabs selected="three">
   <custom-tab name="one">... content skipped ...</custom-tab>
   <custom-tab name="two">... content skipped ...</custom-tab>
   <custom-tab name="three">... content skipped ...</custom-tab>

custom-tabs html文件中,我想要这样的内容:
<polymer-element name="custom-tabs">
       <div class="tabs">
           <content select="custom-tab"></content>
           For each of custom-tab I want to create tab header (link) here

  • 为插入.tabs的每个自定义标签在div内创建链接?
  • 如果custom-tab元素具有名为“标题”的属性,我可以使用某种{{attribute-name}}语法来获取它吗?

  • 最后,我要看起来像这样的组件:

    附言我只需要 polymer-dart <template>语法方面的帮助,我可以自己处理CSS。提前致谢!


    <link rel="import" href="../../packages/polymer/polymer.html">
    <polymer-element name="custom-tabs">
          :host {
            display: block;
          <template repeat="{{tab in tabHeaders}}">
        <div class="tabs">
          <content id="content" select="custom-tab"></content>
      <script type="application/dart" src="custom_tabs.dart"></script>

    import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
    import 'dart:html' as dom;
    class CustomTabs extends PolymerElement {
      CustomTabs.created() : super.created() {}
      // toObservable() is to make Polymer update the headers (using template repeat) when the tabs list changes later on
      List<String> tabHeaders = toObservable([]); 
      attached() {
        // initialize the header list when the custom-tabs element is attached to the dom    
      // needs to be called every time the list of custom-tab children changes
      void updateTabHeaders() {
        // the content element needs to have the id 'content' 
        ($['content'] as dom.ContentElement).getDistributedNodes().forEach((e) {
          // you can skip elements here for example based on attributes like 'hidden'
          tabHeaders.add((e as dom.Element).attributes['name']);

    关于dart - 使用Polymer-Dart为标签Web组件创建标签标题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25854341/


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