c# - 如何从非常大的列表中按索引有效地删除元素?

标签 c# .net list performance generic-list

我有一个非常大的整数列表(大约 20 亿个元素)和一个带有索引(几千个元素)的列表,我需要从第一个列表中删除元素。我目前的方法是遍历第二个列表中的所有索引,将每个索引传递给 RemoveAt()第一个列表的方法:

for (i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
但是,大约需要 2 分钟才能完成。我真的需要更快地执行此操作。有没有办法优化这个?
我有一个带有 10 个内核的 Intel i9X CPU,所以也许是某种并行处理方式?


My thinking是,如果您可以计算每个移动的开始索引和长度,您就可以一次处理列表而没有重叠移动。这是通过比较要删除的索引列表中的相邻元素来完成的。虽然这确实意味着建立第三个 List<>在要执行的移动操作中,我希望提前计划的最有效、最小的移动策略最终会得到返回(或者也许有一种方法可以做到这一点,而无需分配目前没有发生在我身上的任何对象)。
你可以看到我的实现,RemoveUsingMoveStrategy() , 在下面的基准代码中。在 test 中运行下面的启动程序模式,我们可以看到它 - 以及其他答案 - 在给定索引时产生正确的结果 0 , 1 , 5 , 10 , 11 , 15 , 15 (重复),18 , 和 1920 中删除-元素List<int> ...

PS> dotnet run --configuration release --framework netcoreapp3.1 -- test
        Elements: { 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 }
           Count: 12
        Sequence: Equal to control list
        Duration: 3.95 milliseconds
        Returned: Input list

Benchmark notes

  • It was my intention to benchmark against a billion-element List<int>, but RemoveUsingRemoveAt() — inspired by the code in the question — is so inefficient that it was taking too long, so I only went up to 10 million elements.

  • I still hope to run a billion-element benchmark that excludes RemoveUsingRemoveAt(). For that reason, I introduced a not-quite-as-naive implementation called RemoveUsingListCopy() to serve as the baseline for comparison across all list sizes. As the name implies, it doesn't modify the input list but creates a new one with the removals applied.

  • Since not all implementations require the list of indices to remove to be unique and/or sorted, I figured the fairest way to benchmark would be to include that overhead in the benchmark time where the method requires it.

  • The only other changes I made to code from other answers was to make use of the benchmark's lists (DataList and RemovalList) and to change from var to explicit types for reader clarity.

  • RemovalListLocation indicates from where in DataList indices were removed.

    • For Beginning, Middle, and End it is a contiguous RemovalListSize-sized block removed from that location.
    • For Random it is RemovalListSize random, valid, unsorted, not-guaranteed-to-be-unique indices generated from a constant seed.

    To keep the results short(er), I opted to only benchmark the Middle — thinking it'd be a good middle-of-the-road compromise — and Random values.

Benchmark results

  • RemoveUsingRemoveAt() is terrible. Don't do that.

  • For the smaller list, RemoveUsingListCopy() is consistently the fastest, at the expense of doubling memory usage.

  • For the larger list, Vernou's answer is as least 5x as fast as the other answers, at the expense of relying on implementation details.

    This just goes to show that you shouldn't necessarily always favor List<> over an array — unless you need its additional capabilities — because it isn't always superior. It insulates the underlying array, preventing you (without reflection) from using more performant access methods like Array.Copy() and unsafe code on it.

  • Theodor Zoulias's answer does well with the smaller list, but I think having to "touch" all 10 million indices — each with a call to HashSet<>.Contains() and increment of an index variable — really hurt it with the larger list.

  • The remaining implementations (including mine) have roughly the same performance: not the best, but still pretty good.

Benchmark data

Running the launcher program defined later in this answer in benchmark mode, I get these results from BenchmarkDotNet...

PS> dotnet run --configuration release --framework netcoreapp3.1 -- benchmark
// * Summary *

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19041.450 (2004/?/20H1)
Intel Core i7 CPU 860 2.80GHz (Nehalem), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=3.1.401
  [Host]    : .NET Core 3.1.7 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.36602, CoreFX 4.700.20.37001), X64 RyuJIT
  MediumRun : .NET Framework 4.8 (4.8.4200.0), X64 RyuJIT

Job=MediumRun  InvocationCount=1  IterationCount=15  
LaunchCount=2  UnrollFactor=1  WarmupCount=10  

|                        Method |       Runtime | DataListSize | RemovalListSize | RemovalListLocation |           Mean |         Error |        StdDev |         Median | Ratio | RatioSD |
|------------------------------ |-------------- |------------- |---------------- |-------------------- |---------------:|--------------:|--------------:|---------------:|------:|--------:|
|           RemoveUsingListCopy |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       379.9 μs |      15.93 μs |      23.36 μs |       380.4 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |     1,463.7 μs |      93.79 μs |     137.47 μs |     1,434.7 μs |  3.87 |    0.41 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       635.9 μs |      19.77 μs |      29.60 μs |       624.0 μs |  1.67 |    0.14 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       372.1 μs |      11.52 μs |      16.15 μs |       373.8 μs |  0.99 |    0.07 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       594.5 μs |      25.13 μs |      36.03 μs |       593.1 μs |  1.57 |    0.12 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       618.8 μs |      17.53 μs |      23.99 μs |       622.4 μs |  1.65 |    0.13 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       645.6 μs |      27.28 μs |      39.99 μs |       632.2 μs |  1.71 |    0.16 |
|                               |               |              |                 |                     |                |               |               |                |       |         |
|           RemoveUsingListCopy | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       391.5 μs |      10.39 μs |      15.55 μs |       391.6 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |     1,402.2 μs |      44.20 μs |      64.80 μs |     1,407.6 μs |  3.59 |    0.21 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       557.9 μs |      19.73 μs |      27.00 μs |       557.2 μs |  1.43 |    0.10 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       424.3 μs |      20.90 μs |      29.30 μs |       424.2 μs |  1.09 |    0.09 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       535.0 μs |      19.37 μs |      27.16 μs |       537.1 μs |  1.37 |    0.08 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       557.7 μs |      18.73 μs |      25.63 μs |       550.0 μs |  1.43 |    0.09 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Random |       554.2 μs |      13.82 μs |      18.45 μs |       554.0 μs |  1.42 |    0.07 |
|                               |               |              |                 |                     |                |               |               |                |       |         |
|           RemoveUsingListCopy |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       221.6 μs |       7.25 μs |      10.63 μs |       222.5 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |     1,195.3 μs |      20.01 μs |      28.69 μs |     1,187.7 μs |  5.42 |    0.30 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       405.0 μs |      13.65 μs |      19.14 μs |       410.7 μs |  1.83 |    0.10 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       206.3 μs |       8.62 μs |      12.09 μs |       204.9 μs |  0.94 |    0.08 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       427.5 μs |      15.56 μs |      22.81 μs |       435.4 μs |  1.93 |    0.13 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       405.4 μs |      13.80 μs |      19.35 μs |       403.8 μs |  1.84 |    0.11 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou |      .NET 4.8 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       413.9 μs |      15.26 μs |      20.89 μs |       419.8 μs |  1.87 |    0.12 |
|                               |               |              |                 |                     |                |               |               |                |       |         |
|           RemoveUsingListCopy | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       235.2 μs |      10.73 μs |      15.73 μs |       236.2 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |     1,345.6 μs |      32.07 μs |      43.90 μs |     1,352.7 μs |  5.77 |    0.41 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       324.0 μs |       4.92 μs |       7.05 μs |       326.6 μs |  1.39 |    0.09 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       262.9 μs |       6.18 μs |       9.06 μs |       265.4 μs |  1.12 |    0.08 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       333.6 μs |      10.14 μs |      13.87 μs |       340.9 μs |  1.43 |    0.11 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       313.5 μs |       9.05 μs |      12.69 μs |       310.5 μs |  1.34 |    0.11 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou | .NET Core 3.1 |        10000 |            2000 |              Middle |       332.3 μs |       6.70 μs |       8.95 μs |       331.9 μs |  1.43 |    0.09 |
|                               |               |              |                 |                     |                |               |               |                |       |         |
|           RemoveUsingListCopy |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |   253,977.1 μs |   2,721.70 μs |   3,989.43 μs |   253,809.0 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random | 5,191,083.4 μs |  13,200.66 μs |  18,931.99 μs | 5,187,162.3 μs | 20.43 |    0.34 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |    65,365.4 μs |     422.41 μs |     592.16 μs |    65,307.3 μs |  0.26 |    0.00 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |   240,584.4 μs |   3,687.89 μs |   5,048.03 μs |   244,336.1 μs |  0.95 |    0.02 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |    54,168.4 μs |   1,001.37 μs |   1,436.14 μs |    53,390.3 μs |  0.21 |    0.01 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |    72,501.4 μs |     452.46 μs |     634.29 μs |    72,161.2 μs |  0.29 |    0.00 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |     5,814.0 μs |      89.71 μs |     128.67 μs |     5,825.3 μs |  0.02 |    0.00 |
|                               |               |              |                 |                     |                |               |               |                |       |         |
|           RemoveUsingListCopy | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |   239,784.0 μs |   2,721.35 μs |   3,902.88 μs |   241,125.5 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random | 5,538,337.5 μs | 353,505.30 μs | 495,565.06 μs | 5,208,226.1 μs | 23.12 |    2.15 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |    33,071.8 μs |     103.80 μs |     138.57 μs |    33,030.5 μs |  0.14 |    0.00 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |   240,825.5 μs |     851.49 μs |   1,248.11 μs |   240,520.9 μs |  1.00 |    0.02 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |    26,265.0 μs |      90.76 μs |     124.23 μs |    26,253.0 μs |  0.11 |    0.00 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |    48,670.6 μs |     581.51 μs |     833.99 μs |    48,303.0 μs |  0.20 |    0.00 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Random |     5,905.5 μs |      96.27 μs |     131.78 μs |     5,915.1 μs |  0.02 |    0.00 |
|                               |               |              |                 |                     |                |               |               |                |       |         |
|           RemoveUsingListCopy |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |   153,776.2 μs |   2,454.90 μs |   3,674.38 μs |   152,872.0 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle | 5,245,952.0 μs |  13,845.58 μs |  20,294.67 μs | 5,252,922.4 μs | 34.10 |    0.81 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |    33,233.6 μs |     110.33 μs |     158.24 μs |    33,217.3 μs |  0.22 |    0.01 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |   128,949.8 μs |     560.72 μs |     804.17 μs |   128,724.9 μs |  0.84 |    0.02 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |    48,965.1 μs |      70.75 μs |      94.45 μs |    48,957.3 μs |  0.32 |    0.01 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |    32,641.5 μs |      66.85 μs |      91.51 μs |    32,610.0 μs |  0.21 |    0.01 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou |      .NET 4.8 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |     2,982.2 μs |      29.47 μs |      41.31 μs |     2,961.9 μs |  0.02 |    0.00 |
|                               |               |              |                 |                     |                |               |               |                |       |         |
|           RemoveUsingListCopy | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |   144,208.7 μs |   2,035.88 μs |   2,984.16 μs |   142,693.2 μs |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|           RemoveUsingRemoveAt | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle | 5,235,957.7 μs |  13,674.19 μs |  20,043.46 μs | 5,241,536.1 μs | 36.32 |    0.78 |
|       RemoveUsingMoveStrategy | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |    16,547.3 μs |      72.72 μs |     101.95 μs |    16,520.7 μs |  0.11 |    0.00 |
| Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |   137,218.2 μs |     716.45 μs |     980.69 μs |   137,027.0 μs |  0.95 |    0.02 |
|       Answer63496768_CoolBots | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |    23,728.5 μs |      79.84 μs |     111.93 μs |    23,689.9 μs |  0.16 |    0.00 |
|        Answer63495657_NetMage | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |    17,298.3 μs |     216.46 μs |     310.44 μs |    17,165.5 μs |  0.12 |    0.00 |
|         Answer63496256_Vernou | .NET Core 3.1 |     10000000 |            2000 |              Middle |     2,999.7 μs |      85.78 μs |     123.03 μs |     2,957.1 μs |  0.02 |    0.00 |

Benchmark code

To see the various implementations, scroll a third of the way down and look for the methods decorated with [Benchmark()].

This requires the BenchmarkDotNet package.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;

namespace SO63495264
    public class Benchmarks
        public enum RemovalLocation

        [Params(10_000, 10_000_000)]
        public int DataListSize
            get; set;

        public int RemovalListSize
            get; set;

        [Params(RemovalLocation.Random, RemovalLocation.Middle)]
        public RemovalLocation RemovalListLocation
            get; set;

        public List<int> DataList

        public IReadOnlyList<int> RemovalList

        public void GlobalSetup()
            IEnumerable<int> removalIndices;

            if (RemovalListLocation == RemovalLocation.Random)
                // Pass a constant seed so the same indices get generated for every run
                Random random = new Random(12345);

                removalIndices = Enumerable.Range(0, RemovalListSize)
                    .Select(i => random.Next(DataListSize));
                int removalSegmentOffset = RemovalListLocation switch {
                    RemovalLocation.Beginning => 0,
                    RemovalLocation.Middle => (DataListSize - RemovalListSize) / 2,
                    RemovalLocation.End => DataListSize - RemovalListSize,
                    _ => throw new Exception($"Unexpected {nameof(RemovalLocation)} enumeration value {RemovalListLocation}.")

                removalIndices = Enumerable.Range(removalSegmentOffset, RemovalListSize);

            // For efficiency, create a single List<int> to be reused by all iterations for a given set of parameters
            DataList = new List<int>(DataListSize);
            RemovalList = removalIndices.ToList().AsReadOnly();

        public void IterationSetup()
            // Each iteration could modify DataList, so repopulate its elements for the
            // next iteration.  DataList is either new or has been Clear()ed by IterationCleanup().
            for (int i = 0; i < DataListSize; i++)

        public void IterationCleanup()

        public void GlobalCleanup()
            // Force collection of the List<> for the current set of parameters
            int generation = GC.GetGeneration(DataList);

            DataList = null;
            GC.Collect(generation, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true);

        [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
        public List<int> RemoveUsingListCopy()
            HashSet<int> removalSet = RemovalList.ToHashSet();
            List<int> newList = new List<int>(DataList.Count - removalSet.Count);

            for (int index = 0; index < DataList.Count; index++)
                if (!removalSet.Contains(index))

            return newList;

        // Based on Stack Overflow question 63495264
        // https://stackoverflow.com/q/63495264/150605
        public List<int> RemoveUsingRemoveAt()
            // The collection of indices to remove must be in decreasing order
            // with no duplicates; all are assumed to be in-range for DataList
            foreach (int index in RemovalList.Distinct().OrderByDescending(i => i))

            return DataList;

        // From Stack Overflow answer 63498191
        // https://stackoverflow.com/a/63498191/150605
        public List<int> RemoveUsingMoveStrategy()
            // The collection of indices to remove must be in increasing order
            // with no duplicates; all are assumed to be in-range for DataList
            int[] coreIndices = RemovalList.Distinct().OrderBy(i => i).ToArray();
            List<(int startIndex, int count, int distance)> moveOperations
                = new List<(int, int, int)>();

            int candidateIndex;
            for (int i = 0; i < coreIndices.Length; i = candidateIndex)
                int currentIndex = coreIndices[i];
                int elementCount = 1;

                // Merge removal of consecutive indices into one operation
                while ((candidateIndex = i + elementCount) < coreIndices.Length
                    && coreIndices[candidateIndex] == currentIndex + elementCount

                int nextIndex = candidateIndex < coreIndices.Length
                    ? coreIndices[candidateIndex]
                    : DataList.Count;
                int moveCount = nextIndex - currentIndex - elementCount;

                // Removing one or more elements from the end of the
                // list will result in a no-op, 0-length move; omit it
                if (moveCount > 0)
                            startIndex: currentIndex + elementCount,
                            count: moveCount,
                            distance: i + elementCount

            // Perform the element moves
            foreach ((int startIndex, int count, int distance) in moveOperations)
                for (int offset = 0; offset < count; offset++)
                    int sourceIndex = startIndex + offset;
                    int targetIndex = sourceIndex - distance;

                    DataList[targetIndex] = DataList[sourceIndex];

            // "Trim" the number of removed elements from the end of the list
            DataList.RemoveRange(DataList.Count - coreIndices.Length, coreIndices.Length);

            return DataList;

        // Adapted from Stack Overflow answer 63496225 revision 4
        // https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/63496225/4
        public List<int> Answer63496225_TheodorZoulias()
            HashSet<int> indicesSet = new HashSet<int>(RemovalList);
            int index = 0;

            DataList.RemoveAll(_ => indicesSet.Contains(index++));

            return DataList;

        // Adapted from Stack Overflow answer 63496768 revision 2
        // https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/63496768/2
        public List<int> Answer63496768_CoolBots()
            List<int> sortedIndicies = RemovalList.Distinct().OrderBy(i => i).ToList();

            int sourceStartIndex = 0;
            int destStartIndex = 0;
            int spanLength = 0;

            int skipCount = 0;

            // Copy items up to last index to be skipped
            foreach (int skipIndex in sortedIndicies)
                spanLength = skipIndex - sourceStartIndex;
                destStartIndex = sourceStartIndex - skipCount;

                for (int i = sourceStartIndex; i < sourceStartIndex + spanLength; i++)
                    DataList[destStartIndex] = DataList[i];

                sourceStartIndex = skipIndex + 1;

            // Copy remaining items (between last index to be skipped and end of list)
            spanLength = DataList.Count - sourceStartIndex;
            destStartIndex = sourceStartIndex - skipCount;

            for (int i = sourceStartIndex; i < sourceStartIndex + spanLength; i++)
                DataList[destStartIndex] = DataList[i];

            DataList.RemoveRange(destStartIndex, sortedIndicies.Count);

            return DataList;

        // Adapted from Stack Overflow answer 63495657 revision 6
        // https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/63495657/6
        public List<int> Answer63495657_NetMage()
            List<int> removeAtList = RemovalList.Distinct().OrderBy(i => i).ToList();

            int srcCount = DataList.Count;
            int ralCount = removeAtList.Count;
            int removeAtIndice = 1;
            int freeIndex = removeAtList[0];
            int current = freeIndex + 1;
            while (current < srcCount)
                while (removeAtIndice < ralCount && current == removeAtList[removeAtIndice])

                if (current < srcCount)
                    DataList[freeIndex++] = DataList[current++];

            DataList.RemoveRange(freeIndex, srcCount - freeIndex);

            return DataList;

        // Adapted from Stack Overflow answer 63496256 revision 3
        // https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/63496256/3
        public List<int> Answer63496256_Vernou()
            List<int> indices = RemovalList.Distinct().OrderBy(i => i).ToList();

            //Get the internal array
            int[] largeArray = (int[]) typeof(List<int>)
                .GetField("_items", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)

            int current = 0;
            int copyFrom = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
                int copyTo = indices[i];
                if (copyTo < copyFrom)
                    //In case the indice is duplicate,
                    //The item is already passed
                int copyLength = copyTo - copyFrom;
                Array.Copy(largeArray, copyFrom, largeArray, current, copyLength);
                current += copyLength;
                copyFrom = copyTo + 1;
            //Resize the internal array
            DataList.RemoveRange(DataList.Count - indices.Count, indices.Count);

            return DataList;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Configs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Environments;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs;

namespace SO63495264
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args?.Length == 0)
                string assemblyFilePath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
                string assemblyFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(assemblyFilePath);

                Console.WriteLine($"{assemblyFileName} {{ benchmark | test }}");
            else if (string.Equals(args[0], "benchmark", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            else if (string.Equals(args[0], "test", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Console.WriteLine($"Unexpected parameter \"{args[0]}\"");

        static void RunBenchmark()
            Job baseJob = Job.MediumRun;
            IConfig config = DefaultConfig.Instance;

            foreach (Runtime runtime in new Runtime[] { CoreRuntime.Core31, ClrRuntime.Net48 })
                config = config.AddJob(


        static void RunTest()
            const int ListSize = 20;
            const int MaxDisplayElements = 20;

            IEnumerable<int> data = Enumerable.Range(0, ListSize);
            IReadOnlyList<int> indices = new List<int>(
                new int[] {
                    0,                               1, // First two indices
                    ListSize / 4,
                    ListSize / 2,     ListSize / 2 + 1, // Consecutive indices
                    ListSize / 4 * 3, ListSize / 4 * 3, // Duplicate indices
                    ListSize - 2,     ListSize - 1      // Last two indices

            // Discover and invoke the benchmark methods the same way BenchmarkDotNet would
            Benchmarks benchmarks = new Benchmarks() {
                RemovalList = indices
            IEnumerable<MethodInfo> benchmarkMethods = benchmarks.GetType()
                .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
                    method => method.CustomAttributes.Any(
                        attribute => attribute.AttributeType == typeof(BenchmarkAttribute)

            // Call a known-good method to get the correct results for comparison
            benchmarks.DataList = data.ToList();
            List<int> controlList = benchmarks.RemoveUsingListCopy();

            foreach (MethodInfo benchmarkMethod in benchmarkMethods)
                List<int> inputList = data.ToList();

                benchmarks.DataList = inputList;
                Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                List<int> outputList = (List<int>) benchmarkMethod.Invoke(benchmarks, Array.Empty<object>());

                Console.WriteLine($"\tElements: {{ {string.Join(", ", outputList.Take(MaxDisplayElements))}{(outputList.Count > MaxDisplayElements ? ", ..." : "") } }}");
                Console.WriteLine($"\t   Count: {outputList.Count:N0}");
                Console.WriteLine($"\tSequence: {(outputList.SequenceEqual(controlList) ? "E" : "*Not* e")}qual to control list");
                Console.WriteLine($"\tDuration: {watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N2} milliseconds");
                Console.WriteLine($"\tReturned: {(object.ReferenceEquals(outputList, inputList) ? "Input list" : "New list")}");
为了在 .NET Framework (4.8) 上进行基准测试,我必须将以下属性添加到我的 .NET Core .csproj项目文件:

41 个字符备用!

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