flutter - 更改Flutter中与contacts_service的联系人的电话号码和显示名称

标签 flutter dart

我正在尝试使用flutter contact_service dart软件包更新我的单个联系人数据。我是Flutter编程的新手,这就是为什么不明白我该怎么做的原因。

enter code here
 await ContactsService.updateContact(
            Contact(displayName: "yello", phones: abcd))
        .catchError((onError) {



/*this line fetches the contact whose familyName(last name) is "Jackson", incase 
if there's multiple contact with the same familyName then it'll select first one */
Contact contactToUpdate = _contacts
        .firstWhere((contact) => contact.familyName.startsWith("Jackson"));
//this line updates the givenName(first name) of fetched contact to "Michael"
    contactToUpdate.givenName = 'Michael';
    await ContactsService.updateContact(contactToUpdate);

关于flutter - 更改Flutter中与contacts_service的联系人的电话号码和显示名称,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62772321/


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