asynchronous - 将 Either 与 Future 一起使用

标签 asynchronous flutter dart functional-programming async-await

我想使用 dartz 函数式风格并执行如下操作:

Either<Failure, Response> result = await remoteDataSource.request() // Future<Response> request();
    .then((response) => Right(response))
    .catchError((failure) => Left(failure));


error: A value of type 'Right< dynamic, Response>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Either< Failure, Response>'.

那么,我怎样才能以这种方式将 EitherFuture 结合使用呢?


这都是关于<generics> .

.then((response) => Right(response)) // this is of type Right<dynamic,User>


.then((response) => Right<Failure, Response>(response))

// or

.then((response) => right(response)) // a helper function which returns an Either

关于asynchronous - 将 Either 与 Future 一起使用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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