dart - Flutter Future 返回 null

标签 dart flutter




  Future<String> loadInterest() async {
    print('Going to load interests');

    final whenDone = new Completer();

    SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();

    final token = await prefs.getString('token');

    print('The token ${token}');

    await this.api.interests(token).then((res) {
      // print('The response: ${res['interests']}'); <-- this prints response alright. Data is coming.

    return whenDone.future;

然后我尝试在未来的构建器中使用上面的 Future,如下所示:

new FutureBuilder(
  future: loadInterest(),
  builder: (BuildContext context, snapshot) {
     return snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done
            ? new Wrap(
                 children: InterestChips(snapshot.data),
            : Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());

InterestChips(...) 是这样的:

  InterestChips(items) {
    print('Interest Chips ${items}');
    List chipList;

    for (Object item in items) {

    return chipList;

但是,我总是得到 null 作为快照,这意味着 FutureloadInterest() 没有返回任何东西。



您不需要为此使用Completer。由于您的方法已经是 async,因此您应该只为您的第一个代码块执行此操作:

Future<String> loadInterest() async {
  print('Going to load interests');

  final whenDone = new Completer();

  SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();

  final token = await prefs.getString('token');

  print('The token ${token}');

  final res = await this.api.interests(token).then((res) {
  // print('The response: ${res['interests']}'); <-- this prints response alright. Data is coming.
  return res['interests']);

您可能还想检查 snapshot.hasError 以确保其中没有任何异常。

关于dart - Flutter Future 返回 null,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51101553/


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