google-maps - 如何在 Flutter 中限制 Google map 的边界?

标签 google-maps flutter dart google-maps-flutter

我正在使用 google_maps_flutter 包,我需要将 map 的可滚动区域限制为特定区域。我有 SW 和 NE 角,但我不知道怎么做。


uniCampusSW 和 uniCampusNE 都是 LatLngs。

_userLocation == null // If user location has not been found
          ? Center(
              // Display Progress Indicator
              child: CircularProgressIndicator(
                backgroundColor: UniColors.primaryColour[500],
          : GoogleMap(
              // Show Campus Map
              onMapCreated: _onMapCreated,
              initialCameraPosition: // required parameter that sets the starting camera position. Camera position describes which part of the world you want the map to point at.
                      target: _userLocation, zoom: defaultZoom, tilt: 0.0),
              scrollGesturesEnabled: true,
              tiltGesturesEnabled: true,
              trafficEnabled: false,
              compassEnabled: true,
              rotateGesturesEnabled: true,
              myLocationEnabled: true,
              mapType: _currentMapType,
              zoomGesturesEnabled: true,
              cameraTargetBounds: new CameraTargetBounds(
                new LatLngBounds(
                  northeast: UniCampusNE,
                  southwest: UniCampusSW,


/flutter (12525): The following assertion was thrown building TheMap(dirty, state: _TheMapState#a8840): I/flutter (12525): 'package:google_maps_flutter/src/location.dart': Failed assertion: line 68 pos 16: I/flutter (12525): 'southwest.latitude <= northeast.latitude': is not true.



你好 friend !
注意错误:'southwest.latitude <= northeast.latitude': 不是真的。
有必要检查这些值是否不是静态的,因为southwest.latitude 必须小于或等于northeast.latitude,而northeast.longitude 必须小于或等于southwest.longitude。

LatLng? UniCampusNE;
LatLng? UniCampusSW;

var nLat, nLon, sLat, sLon;

if (UniCampusSW!.latitude <= UniCampusNE!.latitude) {

  sLat = UniCampusSW.latitude;
  nLat = UniCampusNE.latitude;


  sLat = UniCampusNE.latitude;
  nLat = UniCampusSW.latitude;

if (UniCampusSW.longitude <= UniCampusNE.longitude) {

  sLon = UniCampusSW.longitude;
  nLon = UniCampusNE.longitude;


  sLon = UniCampusNE.longitude;
  nLon = UniCampusSW.longitude;
在 cameraTargetBounds: 你可以使用你创建的变量:
cameraTargetBounds: CameraTargetBounds(
northeast: LatLng(nLat, nLon),
southwest: LatLng(sLat, sLon),

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