objective-c - Objective-C:完成间隔计时器

标签 objective-c audio timer


假设您使用步进器将整个锻炼时间设置为10分钟。您希望每次重复持续1分钟,每次休息30秒。尽管我设法使用“chrono”方法对在锻炼结束时播放的声音进行编码,但我仍在努力使重复或休息结束时播放声音。这是代码 header 的相关部分:

#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>

@interface AutoLayoutViewController : UIViewController <AVAudioPlayerDelegate>
// 1. The three green labels
// Workout's timer
    IBOutlet UILabel *workoutTimer;
    NSTimer *workoutCountdown;

// Repetition's length
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *repetitionLabel;

// Break's length
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *breakLabel;

// 2. The three steppers

// Stepper for Workout's total length
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIStepper *secondsWorkoutChanged;

// Stepper for Repetition's length
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIStepper *secondsRepetitionChanged;

// Stepper for Break's length
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIStepper *secondsBreakChanged;

// 4. The start button
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *startPauseButton;    


// 1. Steppers

// Stepper for Workout's length
- (IBAction)secondsWorkoutChanged:(UIStepper *)sender {

    /* User increases value of seconds with stepper. Whenever variable for seconds is equal or greater than 60, the program sets the value of minutes through this division: seconds / 60. */
    seconds = [sender value];
    minutes = seconds / 60;

    /* "If" statement for resetting seconds to 0 in order for the label to look like a watch. REAL number of seconds stored by stepper modulus operated by 60.
    if (seconds > 59) {
        seconds = seconds % 60;
    } // End if.

    [workoutTimer setText: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%2i : %2i", (int) minutes, (int) seconds]];


// Stepper for Repetition's length
- (IBAction)secondsRepetitionChanged:(UIStepper *)sender {

    /* User increase value of secondsBreak with stepper. Whenever variable for secondsBreak exceeds 60, the program sets the value of minutesBreak by dividing the number of seconds with 60. */
    secondsRepetition = [sender value];
    minutesRepetition = secondsRepetition / 60;

    /* "If" statement for resetting secondsBreak to 0 in order for the label to look like a watch. REAL number of seconds stored by stepper modulus operated by 60.
    if (secondsRepetition > 59) {

        secondsRepetition = secondsRepetition % 60;
    } // End if.

    [_repetitionLabel setText: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%2i : %2i", (int) minutesRepetition, (int) secondsRepetition]];

// Stepper for Break's length
- (IBAction)secondsBreakChanged:(UIStepper *)sender {

    /* User increase value of secondsBreak with stepper. Whenever variable for secondsBreak exceeds 60, the program sets the value of minutesBreak by dividing the number of seconds with 60. */
    secondsBreak = [sender value];
    minutesBreak = secondsBreak / 60;

    /* "If" statement for resetting secondsBreak to 0 in order for the label to look like a watch. REAL number of seconds stored by stepper modulus operated by 60.
    if (secondsBreak > 59) {
        secondsBreak = secondsBreak % 60;
    } // End if.

    [_breakLabel setText: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%2i : %2i", (int) minutesBreak, (int) secondsBreak]];

// 3. The buttons

// Method for countdown

- (void)chrono:(NSTimer *)timer
{ // First brace for "chrono" method.

    // Timer loses 1 second when started.
    seconds = seconds -= 1;

    workoutTimer.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%2i : %2i", minutes, seconds];

    // If "statement for including minutes in countdown.
   if (seconds <= 0) {
       if (minutes <= 0) {
           [workoutCountdown invalidate]; // 1: If both minutes and seconds = 0, countdown ends.

           // 1.1: Alarm for end of workout.
           CFBundleRef workoutEnded = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
           CFURLRef soundFileURLRef;
           soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(workoutEnded, (CFStringRef) @"alarm_clock_ringing", CFSTR ("wav"), NULL);

           UInt32 soundID;
           AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundFileURLRef, &soundID);

           // Reset all steppers when workout ends.
           _secondsWorkoutChanged.value = 0;

           _secondsRepetitionChanged.value = 0;

           _secondsBreakChanged.value = 0;

           // Reset the text displayed in the label to zero.
           [workoutTimer setText:@"00 : 00"];

           [_repetitionLabel setText:@"00 : 00"];

           [_breakLabel setText:@"00 : 00"];

       } // End of "if" statement" for minutes.

       else { // Timer still running
           seconds = 60;
           minutes -= 1;

       } // End of else.

    } // End of all the "if" (general).

} // Last brace for "chrono" method.

 //Start button
-(IBAction) startPauseButton:(UIButton *)sender {
    workoutCountdown = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:@selector(chrono:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];



Anh Khoi



@implementation CDTViewController
    // instance variables
    int seconds;
    int minutes;
    int secondsRepetition;
    int minutesRepetition;
    int secondsBreak;
    int minutesBreak;
    int secondsValue;
    int minutesValue;
    BOOL startBreakTimer;
    BOOL startRepetitionTimer;
- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    startRepetitionTimer = YES;
    startBreakTimer = NO;
- (IBAction)secondsRepetitionChanged:(UIStepper *)sender {

    minutesRepetition = [sender value] / 60;
    secondsRepetition = (int)[sender value] % 60;
    secondsValue = secondsRepetition;
    minutesValue = minutesRepetition;
    [_repetitionLabel setText: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%2i : %2i", (int) minutesRepetition, (int) secondsRepetition]];
- (IBAction)secondsBreakChanged:(UIStepper *)sender {

    minutesBreak = [sender value] / 60;
    secondsBreak = (int)[sender value] % 60;
    [_breakLabel setText: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%2i : %2i", (int) minutesBreak, (int) secondsBreak]];
- (void)chrono:(NSTimer *)timer
    seconds -= 1;
    secondsValue -= 1;

    if (seconds < 0) {
        seconds = 59;
        minutes -= 1;
        if (minutes < 0) {
            minutes = 0;

    if (secondsValue < 0) {
        secondsValue = 59;
        minutesValue -= 1;
        if (minutesValue < 0) {
            minutesValue = 0;

    workoutTimer.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%2i : %2i", minutes, seconds];

    if (startRepetitionTimer) {
        _repetitionLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%2i : %2i",minutesValue, secondsValue];
        _breakLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%2i : %2i", minutesBreak, secondsBreak];
        if (secondsValue == 0) {
            if (minutesValue == 0) {
                startBreakTimer = YES;
                startRepetitionTimer = NO;
                secondsValue = secondsBreak;
                minutesValue = minutesBreak;

                /* write code to play repetition alarm
             here */
    else if (startBreakTimer) {
        _repetitionLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%2i : %2i",minutesRepetition, secondsRepetition];
        _breakLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%2i : %2i", minutesValue, secondsValue];
        if (secondsValue == 0) {
            if (minutesValue == 0) {
                startBreakTimer = NO;
                startRepetitionTimer = YES;
                secondsValue = secondsRepetition;
                minutesValue = minutesRepetition;

                /* write code to play break alarm
             here */

    if (seconds == 0) {
        if (minutes == 0) {
            [workoutCountdown invalidate];

            // Alarm for end of workout.

            // Reset all steppers when workout ends.
            _secondsWorkoutChanged.value = 0;
            _secondsRepetitionChanged.value = 0;
            _secondsBreakChanged.value = 0;

            // Reset the text displayed in the label to zero.
            [workoutTimer setText:@"00 : 00"];
            [_repetitionLabel setText:@"00 : 00"];
            [_breakLabel setText:@"00 : 00"];


关于objective-c - Objective-C:完成间隔计时器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21178134/


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