Powershell - 获取 WinEvent

标签 powershell powershell-2.0 get-winevent

我一直在到处寻找,只是想弄清楚这个“级别”意味着运行 Get-WinEvent。


Get-WinEvent –FilterHashtable @{logname=’application’; level=2; starttime=$time; id=20}

level=2 在这里代表什么? 我问的原因是我正在尝试验证每个日志的严重性,并且 level=2 是否代表与严重性相关的任何内容。



#Get sample object
$t = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 1 -FilterHashtable @{ Logname='application'; level=2 }

#Explore properties and type

快速 msdn 搜索 EventLogRecord将我们指向 EventLogRecord.Level Property

Gets the level of the event. The level signifies the severity of the event. For the name of the level, get the value of the LevelDisplayName property

#Check out Level vs LevelDisplayName
$t | Format-Table -Property Level, LevelDisplayName -AutoSize

Level LevelDisplayName
----- ----------------
    2 Error 


Get-WinEvent @{ logname='application' } | Select-Object Level, LevelDisplayName -Unique | Sort-Object Level

Level LevelDisplayName
----- ----------------
    0 Information     
    2 Error           
    3 Warning         
    4 Information     

它还在 Level-property 页面上说它使用 StandardEventLevel 枚举,所以让我们列出它的值:

[enum]::GetValues([System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel]) | Select-Object {$_}, {$_.value__ }

           $_ $_.value__ 
           -- -----------
    LogAlways           0
     Critical           1
        Error           2
      Warning           3
Informational           4
      Verbose           5

关于Powershell - 获取 WinEvent,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35442767/


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