powershell - 来自 PowerShell Azure WebJob 的 "Window title cannot be longer than 1023 characters"

标签 powershell azure azure-webjobs


Write-Output "Syncing $directory"
Push-Location $directory
git pull origin $branch
$directoryName = [IO.Path]::GetFileName($directory)    
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H %cd %aN%n%B" --date=short > "..\$directoryName.lastcommit.txt"

在 Windows Azure WebJob 中运行时偶尔(约 50% 的机会)会产生错误:

[05/06/2014 22:20:43 > e5e3ee: INFO] Syncing D:\home\site\!roslyn-sources\DeclarationExpressions
[05/06/2014 22:20:45 > e5e3ee: ERR ] From https://git01.codeplex.com/roslyn
[05/06/2014 22:20:45 > e5e3ee: ERR ]  * branch            DeclarationExpressions -> FETCH_HEAD
[05/06/2014 22:20:45 > e5e3ee: INFO] Already up-to-date.
[05/06/2014 22:20:45 > e5e3ee: INFO] [ERROR] Window title cannot be longer than 1023 characters.
[05/06/2014 22:20:45 > e5e3ee: INFO] Returning exit code 1
[05/06/2014 22:20:45 > e5e3ee: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
[05/06/2014 22:20:45 > e5e3ee: SYS ERR ] Job failed due to exit code 1




也许您正在运行的 exe 的窗口标题发生了变化。 因此,不要在 powershell 脚本中直接调用 git,而是使用 cmdlet Start-Process


关于powershell - 来自 PowerShell Azure WebJob 的 "Window title cannot be longer than 1023 characters",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23505677/


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