java - 在 Elasticsearch 中查找术语的出现

标签 java elasticsearch autocomplete autosuggest

I am using elastic search for autosuggest in JAVA and need to store the terms and their occurences in the index.While indexing products , a particular string can be indexed multiple times.To avoid that , in case it is already stored we have to update occurence of the indexed term. ELastic Search POJO:

@Document(indexName = "autosuggest", type = "autosuggest")
public class Autosuggest {

@Field(pattern ="id")
private String id;

@Field(pattern ="completion")
private Completion completion;

@Field(pattern ="occurence")
private Integer occurence;

public String getId() {
    return id;

public Completion getCompletion() {
    return completion;

public void setCompletion(Completion completion) {
    this.completion = completion;

public Integer getOccurence() {
    return occurence;

public void setOccurence(Integer occurence) {
    this.occurence = occurence;


Completion object

public class Completion {

private List<String> input;
private Integer weight;

public List<String> getInput() {
    return input;
public void setInput(List<String> input) {
    this.input = input;
public Integer getWeight() {
    return weight;
public void setWeight(Integer weight) {
    this.weight = weight;
public Completion(List<String> input, Integer weight) {
    this.input = input;
    this.weight = weight;

Sample object in elastic search

    "_index" : "autosuggest",
    "_type" : "autosuggest",
    "_id" : "BUj0zGUBr5AQqSH41l0m",
    "_score" : 1.0,
    "_source" : {
      "completion" : {
        "input" : [
          "Casual Shirts for Men"
        "weight" : 2
      "occurence" : 1

How can I update the occurence if the term is already indexed in elastic search?




"query": {
    "match": {
      "completion.input": "Casual Shirts for Men"



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