sql-server - Powershell参数路径的值为NULL

标签 sql-server powershell path patch service-pack

我已经基于服务器列表开发了一个PS1文件,该文件将负责应用SQL Server补丁。因此,它将读取一个文本文件,其中包含我需要修补和应用Patch的所有服务器。
我已经决定使用PARAM作为“源文件夹”(我将在其中获取服务器列表并记录输出); “目标文件夹”(我将可以在其中运行补丁程序),"file"(补丁程序的名称),“实例”(我将运行补丁程序更新的SQL Server实例)。

PS .:我也想使用Try ... Catch在输出文件上记录一条消息。我写的正确吗?

Param (




foreach ($cluster in GC "$foldersource\Servers_List.txt")
    $output = "Server: $cluster Patch Installation on: $(Get-Date -format 'u')" 
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cluster -ScriptBlock 
        cd $folderdest
        .\$file /X:$folderdest
        Start-Sleep -s 10
        .\SETUP.exe /action=patch /instancename=$instance /quiet /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms
    -ErrorAction Stop; 
    $output += " SUCCESS"
      $output += "Failed - $($_.exception.message)"
$output | Out-File -Append $foldersource\Patch_Result_Non_SP.txt

我如何在上面运行命令:。\ SQL_Server_install_non-Service_Pack_V2.ps1“D:\ Software \ Patch”“D:\ Software”“SQLServer2008R2-KB3045316-x64.exe”“MSSQLSERVER”

Cannot process argument because the value of argument "path" is null. Change the value of argument "path" to a non-null value.
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-Location],   PSArgumentNullException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ArgumentNull,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetLocationCommand
+ PSComputerName        : 

   The term '.\$file' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, 
verify that the path is correct and try again.
+ CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (.\$file:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
+ PSComputerName        : 

The term '.\SETUP.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, 
verify that the path is correct and try again.
+ CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (.\SETUP.exe:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
+ PSComputerName        : 


您必须通过-ArgumentList$using约定将参数传递给Invoke-Command cmdlet。由于您未按照这种方式进行操作$folderdest,因此$fileInvoke-Command脚本块的范围内为null->脚本块定义了单独的范围!


Supplies the values of local variables in the command. The variables in the command are replaced by these values before the command is run on the remote computer. Enter the values in a comma-separated list. Values are associated with variables in the order that they are listed. The alias for ArgumentList is Args.

还要通过Invoke-Command checkout Get-Help Invoke-Command -Examples cmdlet的示例。
如果您不喜欢ArgumentList解决方案,也可以使用remote variables
 Invoke-Command -ComputerName $cluster -ArgumentList $file, $folderdest, $instance -ScriptBlock 
       [string] $rFile,
       [string] $rfileDest,
       [string] $rInstance
    # Remove Write-Host after the script block works fine -> Write-Host is only a quick and dirty way to dump the variables content

    Write-Host $rFile
    Write-Host $rfileDest
    Write-Host $rInstance

    cd $rfileDest

    $someArgs = "/X:{0}" -f $rfileDest
    Start-Process -FilePath  $rFile -ArgumentList $someArgs -Wait -PassThru

    Start-Sleep -s 10

    $setupArgs = "action=patch /instancename={0} /quiet /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms" -f $rInstance

    Start-Process -FilePath ".\Setup.exe" -ArgumentList $setupArgs -Wait -PassThru


关于sql-server - Powershell参数路径的值为NULL,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46923735/


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