parsing - 从 CSV 中删除行

标签 parsing powershell csv

我有一个包含多个标题的 csv 文档,例如:

"Date","RQ","PM","SME","Activity","Status code"
"2/2/12","6886","D_WV","John Smith","Recent","2004"

and a text document that is just a list of status codes, one per line.

I am trying to figure out how to remove all lines from the CSV that contain the status codes from the text file.

So far I have tried using:

$m = gc textfile.txt
Select-String data.csv -Pattern $m -NotMatch


data.csv:1"Date","RQ","PM","SME","Activity","Status code"
data.csv:2"2/2/12","6886","D_WV","John Smith","Recent","2004"

I have also tried:

gc data.csv | ? { $_ -notlike $m }



来自 select-string 的那些 matchinfo 对象可能会令人困惑。 这能满足您的需要吗?

$m = gc textfile.txt
select-string data.csv -pattern $m -notmatch |
select -expand line

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