powershell - 将 bool 参数从 VSTS 传递到 Powershell 脚本

标签 powershell azure-devops azure-pipelines-release-pipeline

如果我需要将 bool 值从 VSTS 传递到 powershell 脚本以在 CD 中进行部署。但我收到以下错误:

Cannot convert value "System.String" to type "System.Boolean". Boolean parameters accept only Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0.

我将 VSTS 中的参数作为内联脚本传递 -ClientCertificateEnabled "$(ClientCertificateEnabled)"

并通过 parameters.local.jason 使用 replacetoken.ps1 替换 template.json 中的值。


"clientCertEnabled": {
      "value": "{{clientCertificateEnabled}}"



$depParametersFile = $depParametersFile.Replace('{{clientCertificateEnabled}}', $ClientCertificateEnabled)




"clientCertEnabled": {
      "type": "bool",
      "defaultValue": true,
      "metadata": {
        "description": "Indicates if client certificate is required on web applications on Azure."

 "clientCertEnabled": "[parameters('clientCertEnabled')]"


假设您正在编写分布式任务,VSTS/AzureDevOps 会将所有参数作为字符串传递。您需要声明您的 ps1 参数 block 以接受字符串并在内部转换它们。


    [string]$OverwriteReadOnlyFiles = "false"

我编写了一个 Convert-ToBoolean 函数来处理转换并调用它。

[bool]$shouldOverwriteReadOnlyFiles = Convert-ToBoolean $OverwriteReadOnlyFiles


    Converts a value into a boolean
    Takes an input string and converts it into a [bool]
    No pipeline input.
    True if the string represents true
    False if the string represents false
    Default if the string could not be parsed
.PARAMETER StringValue
    Optional.  The string to be parsed.
    Optional.  The value to return if the StringValue could not be parsed.
    Defaults to false if not provided.
function Convert-ToBoolean
    [string]$StringValue = "",
    [bool]$Default = $false
    [bool]$result = $Default

    switch -exact ($StringValue)
         "1"     { $result = $true;  break; }
         "-1"    { $result = $true;  break; }
         "true"  { $result = $true;  break; }
         "yes"   { $result = $true;  break; }
         "y"     { $result = $true;  break; }
         "0"     { $result = $false; break; }
         "false" { $result = $false; break; }
         "no"    { $result = $false; break; }
         "n"     { $result = $false; break; }

    Write-Output $result

关于powershell - 将 bool 参数从 VSTS 传递到 Powershell 脚本,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53513316/


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