powershell - Where-Object 和数组未正确过滤

标签 powershell

我无法让我的脚本正常工作。 我有三个数组。扩展数组确实可以正确过滤。然而,我的带有通配符的数组没有生成我想要的结果。我做错了什么?

# Read List of Servers from flat file
$data=Get-Content C:\myscripts\admin_servers.txt

# Variables that will be used against search parameter
$extensions = @(".ecc", ".exx", ".ezz", ".vvv")
$wildcards = @("Help_*.txt", "How_*.txt", "Recovery+*")
$exclude = @("help_text.txt", "Lxr*.exx", "help_contents.txt")

# Loop each server one by one and do the following
foreach ($server in $data)
    # Search the server E:\ and all subdirectories for the following types of
    # extensions or wildcards.
    Get-ChildItem -path \\$server\e$ -Recurse | Where-Object {
        (($extensions -contains $_.Extension) -or $_.Name -like $wildcards) -and
        $_.Name -notlike $exclude



function Like-Any {
    param (


    foreach ($pattern in $Patterns) {
        if ($InputString -like $pattern) {
            return $true


Get-ChildItem -path \\$server\e$ -Recurse | 
Where-Object { `
    (($extensions -contains $_.Extension) -or (Like-Any $_.Name $wildcards)) `
    -and !(Like-Any $_.Name $exclude)}

关于powershell - Where-Object 和数组未正确过滤,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35708274/


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