Perl -M 标志,未初始化的值?

标签 perl powershell initialization comparison numeric

我编写了一个 PowerShell 脚本,可生成 100 个带有随机时间戳的文件:

$date_min   =   get-date -year 1989 -month 7 -day 4
$date_max   =   get-date

for( $i = 0;  $i -le 100;  $i++ )
    $file   =   $i.ToString() + ".txt"
    echo ">=|" > $file

    $a  =   get-item $file
    $time = new-object datetime( get-random -min $date_min.ticks -max $date_max.ticks)

    $a.CreationTime     =   $time
    $a.LastWriteTime    =   $time
    $a.LastAccessTime   =   $time

使用 Perl,我尝试根据上次修改时间对这些文件进行排序,如下所示:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $dir     =   "TEST_DIR";
my @files;     

opendir( DIR , $dir ) or die $!;

# Grab all the files in a directory
while( my $file = readdir(DIR) )
    next if(-d $file);  # If the "file" is actually a directory, skip it
    push( @files , $file );        

my @sorted_files    =   sort { -M $b <=> -M $a } @files;    # Sort files from oldest to newest


Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at .\ line 31.

现在,如果我针对不是使用 powershell 脚本随机生成的文件尝试此代码,它会正常工作。我很难弄清楚为什么它不适用于这些随机生成的文件。我做错了什么吗?


您的问题是readdir(DIR)。这会生成相对于指定目录的文件列表。首先尝试将 $dir 添加到文件中:

sort { -M $b <=> -M $a } map { "$dir\\$_" } @files


my @sorted_files = sort { -M $b <=> -M $a }
    grep { ! -d $_ }        # Removes directories
        map { "$dir\\$_" }  # Adds full path
            readdir(DIR);   # Read entire directory content at once

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