elasticsearch - 如何将段落与ElasticSearch中的短语匹配?

标签 elasticsearch




  • 必须快于50mph
  • 必须跳到高于树
  • 能够站立在两只脚上

  • 我的查询:

    "We are looking for an animal that must be able to stand on two feet, also must jump higher than a tree, and should be faster than 40mph, and has white and red stripes with wings"

  • 能够站立在两只脚上
  • 必须跳到高于树

  • 我得到什么结果(部分比赛):
  • 能够站立在两只脚上
  • 必须跳到高于树
  • 必须 50mph更快
  • 最佳答案

    but I wasn't able to refine it to be a 100% match

    似乎您需要像full-text query一样使用Match Phrase Query。从docs:

    The high-level full text queries are usually used for running full text queries on full text fields like the body of an email.

    关于elasticsearch - 如何将段落与ElasticSearch中的短语匹配?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54295959/


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