perl - Oozie 日志上的模式匹配

标签 perl bash unix hadoop oozie

使用的 Oozie 命令

oozie jobs -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -localtime | grep "2013-05-08" > Input.txt

Oozie 日志(Input.txt)

61-oozie     DProSUCCEEDED chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:47        2013-05-08 04:53
61-oozie     DPRUNNING chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:47        
61-oozie     DProcessSuspended chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:42        2013-05-08 04:48
61-oozie     DKILLED chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:07        2013-05-08 04:09



我无法从上面的文本中猜出分隔符。因此我们可以利用 AWK/cut/substring 概念。

Status messages are static . Job names are dynamic.

将会有 4 条状态消息

  • 成功
  • 正在运行
  • 准备
  • 杀了
  • 暂停


61-oozie     DPro chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:47        2013-05-08 04:53    SUCCEEDED
61-oozie     DP chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:47          -       RUNNING
61-oozie     DProcess chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:42        2013-05-08 04:48    Suspended
61-oozie    D chronicles      users     2013-05-08 04:07        2013-05-08 04:09    KILLED



perl -pe 's/\B(succeeded|running|suspended|killed|prep)//i and $w=$1 and s/$/    $w/' file

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