elasticsearch - ElasticSearch,在使用批量API时在索引名称上使用通配符

标签 elasticsearch elasticsearch-bulk-api

我正在使用RabbitMQ River插件进行Elasticsearch将数据插入/删除到我们的ElasticSearch索引中。 River插件仅支持Bulk API。

删除给定ID时,我们不知道该ID可以找到哪个索引。我们认为我们将能够像在搜索中一样使用通配符格式,例如“indexName *”。


Examples we have tried:
// using default index in the url …
POST /mybestfares_gb*/bestfares_data/_bulk
{ "delete": {"_id": " AUry2F0Mu2oVvm5kYHaK " }}

// index in the meta section … 
POST /_bulk
{ "delete": {"_index":"mybestfares_gb*", "_type":"bestfares_data","_id": "AUry2F0Mu2oVvm5kYHaP" }}

"error": "InvalidIndexNameException[[mybestfares_gb*] Invalid index name [mybestfares_gb*], must not contain the following characters [\\, /, *, ?, \", <, >, |, , ,]]"

Bulk API被归类为Multi-Document API,所以我只是不使用正确的语法而已吗?



Single index APIs such as the Document APIs and the single-index alias APIs do not support multiple indices.

然后点击链接到Document API的列表:

Document APIs

This section describes the following CRUD APIs:

Single document APIs

  • Index API
  • Get API
  • Delete API
  • Update API

Multi-document APIs

  • Multi Get API
  • Bulk API
  • Bulk UDP API
  • Delete By Query API

您会看到Bulk API和Delete and Delete by Query API都归类为Document API,它们不能使用通配符来覆盖多个索引:

All CRUD APIs are single-index APIs. The index parameter accepts a single index name, or an alias which points to a single index.


关于elasticsearch - ElasticSearch,在使用批量API时在索引名称上使用通配符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28022310/


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