macos - 使用从alSourceUnqueueBuffers()获得的缓冲区ID时,alBufferData()设置AL_INVALID_OPERATION

标签 macos audio game-engine openal

我正在尝试使用OpenAL的缓冲区排队机制从磁盘流式传输音频数据。我加载并排入4个缓冲区,开始播放源,并定期检查刷新队列。一切看起来都很棒,直到我第一次尝试将数据加载到从alSourceUnqueueBuffers()获得的回收缓冲区中之前。在这种情况下,alBufferData()始终设置AL_INVALID_OPERATION,根据the official v1.1 spec,它似乎不应该能够这样做。

我已经在Google和StackOverflow上进行了广泛的搜索,但似乎找不到发生这种情况的任何原因。我发现的最接近的东西是论坛存档中有人使用a possibly-related issue的人,但详细信息很少,响应为null。也有this SO question,情况略有不同,但是唯一答案的建议无济于事。



static constexpr int MAX_BUFFER_COUNT = 4;

#define alCall(funcCall) {funcCall; SoundyOutport::CheckError(__FILE__, __LINE__, #funcCall) ? abort() : ((void)0); }

bool SoundyOutport::CheckError(const string &pFile, int pLine, const string &pfunc)
    ALenum tErrCode = alGetError();
    if(tErrCode != 0)
        auto tMsg = alGetString(tErrCode);
        Log::e(ro::TAG) << tMsg << " at " << pFile << "(" << pLine << "):\n"
                        << "\tAL call " << pfunc << " failed." << end;
        return true;
    return false;

void SoundyOutport::EnqueueBuffer(const float* pData, int pFrames)
    static int called = 0;

    ALint tState;
    alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &tState));
    if(tState == AL_STATIC)
//      alCall(alSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFER, NULL));

    ALuint tBufId = AL_NONE;
    int tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
    int tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
    if(tQueuedBuffers < MAX_BUFFER_COUNT)
        tBufId = mBufferIds[tQueuedBuffers];
    else if(tReady > 0)
        // the fifth time through, this code gets hit
        alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &tBufId));

        // debug code: make sure these values go down by one
        tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
        tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
        return; // no update needed yet.

    void* tConverted = convert(pData, pFrames);

    // the fifth time through, we get AL_INVALID_OPERATION, and call abort()
    alCall(alBufferData(tBufId, mFormat, tConverted, pFrames * mBitdepth/8, mSampleRate));

    alCall(alSourceQueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &mBufferId));
    if(mBitdepth == BITDEPTH_8)
        delete (uint8_t*)tConverted;
    else // if(mBitdepth == BITDEPTH_16)
        delete (uint16_t*)tConverted;

void SoundyOutport::PlayBufferedStream()
    if(!StreamingMode() || !QueuedUpBuffers())
        Log::w(ro::TAG) << "Attempted to play an unbuffered stream" << end;

    alCall(alSourcei(mSourceId, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE)); // never loop streams

int SoundyOutport::QueuedUpBuffers()
    int tCount = 0;
    alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &tCount));
    return tCount;

int SoundyOutport::ProcessedBuffers()
    int tCount = 0;
    alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &tCount));
    return tCount;

void SoundyOutport::Stop()

    int tBuffers;
    alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &tBuffers));
        ALuint tDummy[tBuffers];
        alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, tBuffers, tDummy));
    alCall(alSourcei(mSourceId, AL_BUFFER, AL_NONE));

bool SoundyOutport::Playing()
    ALint tPlaying;
    alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &tPlaying));
    return tPlaying == AL_PLAYING;

bool SoundyOutport::StreamingMode()
    ALint tState;
    alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &tState));
    return tState == AL_STREAMING;

bool SoundyOutport::StaticMode()
    ALint tState;
    alCall(alGetSourcei(mSourceId, AL_SOURCE_TYPE, &tState));
    return tState == AL_STATIC;


我已经尝试了一些小调整和变化,结果始终是相同的。我已经浪费了太多时间试图解决这个问题。请帮忙 :)




if(tQueuedBuffers < MAX_BUFFER_COUNT)
    tBufId = mBufferIds[tQueuedBuffers];
else if(tReady > 0)
    // the fifth time through, this code gets hit
    alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &tBufId));

    // debug code: make sure these values go down by one
    tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
    tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
    return; // no update needed yet.

仅当数据从源中取消排队时,才可以用数据填充缓冲区。但是您的第一个(如果块)获得了排队到源的 tBufId 。像这样重写代码
if(tReady > 0)
    // the fifth time through, this code gets hit
    alCall(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(mSourceId, 1, &tBufId));

    // debug code: make sure these values go down by one
    tQueuedBuffers = QueuedUpBuffers();
    tReady = ProcessedBuffers();
    return; // no update needed yet.

关于macos - 使用从alSourceUnqueueBuffers()获得的缓冲区ID时,alBufferData()设置AL_INVALID_OPERATION,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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