elasticsearch - ElasticSearch rest客户端会自动发现集群节点吗?

标签 elasticsearch elasticsearch-5

I am using Rest Client of Elastic Search and Elastic Search will have Nodes in a cluster.

If I connect to one node then will it automatically find other nodes of cluster while processing the request and do load balancing ?

还是在创建Rest Client时需要照顾它?


如果“嗅探器”处于 Activity 状态,则在请求(在后台)之前,客户端将更新您的内部节点数据列表。它适用于default clientRest Client
主节点(在集群配置中定义)将执行load balancing

关于elasticsearch - ElasticSearch rest客户端会自动发现集群节点吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46677922/


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