python-3.x - 如何在 python3 中用频率发出声音?

标签 python-3.x audio frequency beep


import os
os.system('play --no-show-progress --null --channels 1 synth %s sine %f' % ( a, b))


在 Python 中播放给定频率和持续时间的哔声的简单方法:

frequency = 1000 # Hertz
duration  = 2000 # milliseconds

window :
import winsound
winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)

Linux :
# SoX must be installed using 'sudo apt-get install sox' in the terminal
import os
os.system('play -n synth %s sin %s' % (duration/1000, frequency))

macOS :
# First install Homebrew ( 
# and then SoX using 'brew install sox' in the terminal
import os
os.system('play -n synth %s sin %s' % (duration/1000, frequency))

跨平台 :

使用 PyAudio模块和一些编码:

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