hadoop - 如何在配置单元中获取所有可能的模式

标签 hadoop hive hiveql


|         1| Ram|

|         1| Ram|
|         2| Arm|
|         3| Mar|
|         .| ...|
|         .| ...|



 with s as (select col 
              from (select explode( split(lower('Ram'),'')) as col)s 
             where col <>''
 select concat(upper(s1.col), s2.col, s3.col) as name, 
        row_number() over() as customerId
   from s s1 
        cross join s s2 
        cross join s s3
where s1.col<>s2.col and s2.col<>s3.col;

name    customerid
Mam     1
Mar     2
Mrm     3
Mra     4
Ama     5
Amr     6
Arm     7
Ara     8
Rma     9
Rmr     10
Ram     11
Rar     12
Time taken: 185.638 seconds, Fetched: 12 row(s)

如果没有最后一个WHERE s1.col<>s2.col and s2.col<>s3.col,您将获得AaaArrRrr等所有组合。

关于hadoop - 如何在配置单元中获取所有可能的模式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47208360/


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