hadoop - 如何在Apache Spark中使用Mahout seq2sparse输出的矢量化文档

标签 hadoop apache-spark mahout

Mahout seq2sparse生成一堆sequenceFiles,如完整描述的here所示。我想使用具有以下格式的矢量化文档:<文本,VectorWritable>(docID,TF-IDF vector ),并从TF-IDF vector 中创建一个JavaRDD<Vector>。有人可以指导我吗?


此信息可以随时通过in the documentation获得。

Preprocessing: For a set of Sequence File Formatted documents in PATH_TO_SEQUENCE_FILES the mahout seq2sparse command performs the TF-IDF transformations (-wt tfidf option) and L2 length normalization (-n 2 option) as follows:

$ mahout seq2sparse 
  -n 2
  -wt tfidf

Training: The model is then trained using mahout spark-trainnb. The default is to train a Bayes model. The -c option is given to train

a CBayes model:

$ mahout spark-trainnb

Label Assignment/Testing: Classification and testing on a holdout set can then be performed via mahout spark-testnb. Again, the -c

option indicates that the model is CBayes:

$ mahout spark-testnb 
  -m ${PATH_TO_MODEL} 

查看mahout command script,我们看到它实际上是在使用org.apache.mahout.drivers.TrainNBDriver类。我们对TFIDF类型的parts using<Text, VectorWritable> vector 感兴趣:
  /** Read the training set from inputPath/part-x-00000 sequence file of form <Text,VectorWritable> */
  private def readTrainingSet: DrmLike[_]= {
    val inputPath = parser.opts("input").asInstanceOf[String]
    val trainingSet= drm.drmDfsRead(inputPath)

  override def process(): Unit = {

    val complementary = parser.opts("trainComplementary").asInstanceOf[Boolean]
    val outputPath = parser.opts("output").asInstanceOf[String]

    val trainingSet = readTrainingSet
    val (labelIndex, aggregatedObservations) = SparkNaiveBayes.extractLabelsAndAggregateObservations(trainingSet)
    val model = NaiveBayes.train(aggregatedObservations, labelIndex)



如果我们仔细观察,就会发现drm.drmDfsRead(inputPath)调用正在转换输入。然后将像这样进行转换(例如SparkEngine bindings)
   * Load DRM from hdfs (as in Mahout DRM format)
   * @param path
   * @param sc spark context (wanted to make that implicit, doesn't work in current version of
   *           scala with the type bounds, sorry)
   * @return DRM[Any] where Any is automatically translated to value type
  def drmDfsRead (path: String, parMin:Int = 0)(implicit sc: DistributedContext): CheckpointedDrm[_] = {

    val drmMetadata = hdfsUtils.readDrmHeader(path)
    val k2vFunc = drmMetadata.keyW2ValFunc

    // Load RDD and convert all Writables to value types right away (due to reuse of writables in
    // Hadoop we must do it right after read operation).
    val rdd = sc.sequenceFile(path, classOf[Writable], classOf[VectorWritable], minPartitions = parMin)

        // Immediately convert keys and value writables into value types.
        .map { case (wKey, wVec) => k2vFunc(wKey) -> wVec.get()}

    // Wrap into a DRM type with correct matrix row key class tag evident.
    drmWrap(rdd = rdd, cacheHint = CacheHint.NONE)(drmMetadata.keyClassTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[Any]])

关于hadoop - 如何在Apache Spark中使用Mahout seq2sparse输出的矢量化文档,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29153066/


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