scala - 为 Spark 作业的单元测试模拟 HTable 数据

标签 scala unit-testing hadoop apache-spark hbase

我有一个 Scala spark 作业,它像这样从 HBase 读取数据:

val hBaseRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(conf, classOf[TableInputFormat], classOf[], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result])
val uniqueAttrs = calculateFreqLocation(hBaseRDD)

我正在尝试为函数 calculateFreqLocation 编写单元测试:

 def calculateFreqLocation(inputRDD: RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result)]): Map[String, Map[(String, String, String), Long]] =  {
    val valueType = classOf[Array[Attribute]]
    val family = "cf_attributes".getBytes()
    val qualifier = "attributes".getBytes()
    val rdd7 = => (getUUID(kv._1.get()).toString(),
      objectMapper.readValue(new String(kv._2.getValue(family, qualifier)), valueType))).flatMap(flattenRow).filter(t => location_attributes.contains(t._2))

    val countByUUID = rdd7.countByValue().groupBy(_._1._1)
    val countByUUIDandKey = => (kv._1, kv._2.groupBy(_._1._2)))
    val uniqueAttrs = => (uuidmap._1, => keymap._2.maxBy(_._2))))
    return uniqueAttrs

这会计算每个 UUID 的唯一属性。我的单元测试尝试重新创建 HTable 数据,然后将 RDD 传递给函数以查看输出是否匹配:

class FrequentLocationTest extends SparkJobSpec {
    "Frequent Location calculation" should {

    def longToBytes(x: Long): Array[Byte] = {
      return ByteBuffer.allocate(java.lang.Long.SIZE / java.lang.Byte.SIZE).putLong(x).array
    val currTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis / 1000
    val UUID_1 = UUID.fromString("123456aa-8f07-4190-8c40-c7e78b91a646")
    val family = "cf_attributes".getBytes()
    val column = "attributes".getBytes()
    val row = "[{'name':'Current_Location_Ip_Address', 'value':'123.456.123.248'}]"

    val resultRow = Array(new KeyValue(row.getBytes(), family, column, null))

    val key = "851971aa-8f07-4190-8c40-c7e78b91a646".getBytes() ++ longToBytes(currTimestamp)
    val input = Seq((key,row))
    val correctOutput = Map(
      ("851971aa-8f07-4190-8c40-c7e78b91a646" -> Map(("123456aa-8f07-4190-8c40-c7e78b91a646","Current_Location_Ip_Address","123.456.123.248") -> 1))

    "case 1 : return with correct output (frequent location calculation)" in {
      val inputRDD = sc.makeRDD(input, 1)
      val hadoonRdd = new HadoopRDD(sc, sc.broadcast(new SerializableWritable(new Configuration()))
        .asInstanceOf[Broadcast[SerializableWritable[Configuration]]], null, classOf[InputFormat[ImmutableBytesWritable,Result]], classOf[ImmutableBytesWritable],classOf[Result],1)

      val finalInputRdd = hadoonRdd.union( => ( new ImmutableBytesWritable(kv._1), new Result(Array(new KeyValue(kv._2.getBytes(), family, column, null))))))

      val resultMap = FrequentLocation.calculateFreqLocation(finalInputRdd)
      resultMap == correctOutput
      //val customCorr = new FrequentLocation().calculateFreqLocation(inputRDD)
      //freqLocationMap must_== correctOutput

我得到的是 org.apache.spark.SparkException:任务不可序列化。 我开始明白这是因为 LongByteWritable 和其他 HTable 类无法在节点之间序列化。我提供的代码实际上进入了开发人员 Spark api(手动创建 HadoopRDD),但没有任何方法可以用数据实际填充它。我该如何测试呢?我需要将其中包含数据的 HadoopRDD 实例返回给此函数。或者 RDD(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result) 的实例。我最初是手动创建这个 RDD,同样的错误。然后我切换到使用 map 并从原始二进制/文本映射它。任何帮助将不胜感激!


用我自己的发现回答,为其他同样坚持类似堆栈的人提供一些指导:spark running over HBase。

如果您按照大多数教程进行单元测试 Spark 过程,您可能会遇到这样一个类:

abstract class SparkJobSpec extends SpecificationWithJUnit with BeforeAfterExample {  

 @transient var sc: SparkContext = _

  def beforeAll = {

    val conf = new SparkConf()
      //this kryo stuff is of utter importance
      .set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
    sc = new SparkContext(conf)

  def afterAll = {
    if (sc != null) {
      sc = null

  def before = {}

  def after = {}

  override def map(fs: => Fragments) = Step(beforeAll) ^ ^ Step(afterAll)



  • 通过将 Task not serializable(在下面发布)放到您的单元测试套件类以及您的原始 Spark 过程中,可以轻松修复 with Serializable 异常。显然在类之间传递 RDD 实际上序列化了整个类或其他东西?我不知道,但它有帮助。

  • 我遇到的最大问题是 sparkcontext.newAPIHadoopRDD() 方法非常好,但返回一个非常奇怪的 RDD(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result) 形式的 RDD。 Serializable 也不是,当你用这个自构建的 RDD 从你的 Spark 作业调用函数时,它真的会提示这个。这里的关键是:.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") .registerKryoClasses(Array(classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result],classOf[])) 在你的 sparkConf 上设置。出于某种原因,我不需要在原始的 spark 程序中执行此操作。不确定这是否是因为 spark 在我的 qa 集群中自己做了一些事情,或者也许我从来没有在过程之外传递这个 RDD,所以它从来没有被序列化。


class FrequentLocationTest extends SparkJobSpec with Serializable {

"Frequent Location calculation" should {
    //some UUID generator stuff here 
    val resultRow = Array(new KeyValue(Bytes.add(longToBytes(UUID_1.getMostSignificantBits()), longToBytes(UUID_1.getLeastSignificantBits())), family, column, row.getBytes()))
    val input = Seq((new ImmutableBytesWritable(key), new Result(resultRow)))
    val correctOutput = Map(
      ("851971aa-8f07-4190-8c40-c7e78b91a646" -> Map(("851971aa-8f07-4190-8c40-c7e78b91a646","Current_Location_Ip_Address","123.456.234.456") -> 1))

    "case 1 : return with correct output (frequent location calculation)" in {
      val inputRDD = sc.makeRDD(input, 1)
      val resultMap = FrequentLocation.calculateFreqLocation(inputRDD)
      resultMap == correctOutput


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