sql - 在 HIVE 的子组中使用排名

标签 sql hadoop hive

嘿,我正在尝试使用 rank() 让这个查询正常工作,但我没有运气,

select t.orig, t.id, count(*) as num_actions, 
rank() over (partition by t.orig order by count(*) desc) as rank
from sample_table t
where rank < 21 
and t.month in (201607,20608,201609,201610,201611,201612) 
and t.orig in (select tw.pageid from tw_sample as tw limit 50) 
group by t.orig, t.id


FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 4:6 Invalid table alias or column reference 'rank'

我的目标是根据 count(*) 参数为每​​个 t.orig 获取前 20 行。



您不能在 where 子句中使用别名。使用子查询:

select *
from (select t.orig, t.id, count(*) as num_actions, 
             rank() over (partition by t.orig order by count(*) desc) as rnk
      from sample_table t
      where t.month in (201607, 20608, 201609, 201610, 201611, 201612)  and
            t.orig in (select tw.pageid from tw_sample tw limit 50) 
      group by t.orig, t.id
     ) t
where rank < 21 

关于sql - 在 HIVE 的子组中使用排名,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43620885/


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