python - 我可以在Windows 10 Pro上使用带有最新pycharm 2016.3.2的docker引擎吗

标签 python docker windows-10 pycharm hyper-v

new Docker for Windows作为本地Windows应用程序运行,并使用Hyper-V虚拟化Docker引擎。在pycharm docker插件中,我只能使用docker机器在Pycharm中配置docker。但是我需要在这里配置一个docker引擎。

enter image description here


Since I had a failry hard time getting the remote interpreter running, here is the short version for those using 64bit Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise and Education (1511 November update, Build 10586 or later) as specified here: And in the future hopefully all recent Windows 10 versions.

There is no need to fiddle around with the docker-machine. When Docker is up and running: 1. Make sure you share the C drive between Docker and your local machine 2. When specifying the remote interpreter set tcp://localhost:2375 as API URL. That’s it.

Regards, Markus


enter image description here

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