docker -v 选项只有一个字段

标签 docker

来自文档 docker volume

-v or --volume: Consists of three fields, separated by colon characters (:). The fields must be in the correct order, and the meaning of each field is not immediately obvious.

但我见过有人使用 -v 标志,它只包含一个字段:
docker run -v /data ubuntu



Docker 支持三种类型的卷,上面一种是匿名卷


An anonymous volume is useful for when you would rather have Docker handle where the files are stored. It can be difficult, however, to refer to the same volume over time when it is an anonymous volumes. To create an anonymous volume:

docker run -v /path/in/container ...

要找到此卷,您需要执行以下步骤来检查卷的长 ID。
docker inspect container_id

查看 Mounts然后运行
docker volume ls | grep volume_id



A host volume lives on the Docker host's filesystem and can be accessed from within the container. To create a host volume:

docker run -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container ...


A named volume is similar to an anonymous volume. Docker manages where on disk the volume is created, but you give it a volume name. To create a named volume:

docker volume create somevolumename
docker run -v name:/path/in/container ...


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