mongodb - MongoDB集群-CSRS无法启动

标签 mongodb docker docker-compose devops

我正在尝试在this guide之后在本地环境中使用docker配置mongo sharded集群,并陷入第一步。问题是,配置服务器副本集无法正确启动。
enter image description here

我尝试了to disable enableMajorityReadConcern ,但未成功。看来配置服务器必须将此设置为true。

*2018-11-14T16:55:38.669+0000 I REPL     [initandlisten] Did not find local replica set configuration document at startup; NoMatchingDocument: Did not find replica set configuration document in local.system.replset* 

*2018-11-14T16:55:38.669+0000 I CONTROL 
[LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Failed to create config.system.sessions:
Cannot create config.system.sessions until there are shards, will try
again at the next refresh interval* 

*2018-11-14T16:55:38.669+0000 I
CONTROL  [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Sessions collection is not set
up; waiting until next sessions refresh interval: Cannot create
config.system.sessions until there are shards*



解决了问题。当CSRS首次启动时-这是预期的行为。 rs.init()命令(部署指南中的第3步)必须通过mongo shell 执行,以使CSRS最终得到配置并启动。命令可以在CSRS的任何单个节点上执行。

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