docker - 在 Docker 中安装 GCP Profiler 代理时遇到问题

标签 docker google-cloud-platform stackdriver google-cloud-profiler

我正在尝试为我在 GKE 中运行的应用程序安装 GCP Profiler 代理,请遵循此处的说明:


Could not find agent library /opt/cprof/ in absolute path, with error: Error relocating /opt/cprof/ __pthread_key_create: initial-exec TLS resolves to dynamic definition in /opt/cprof/

这是 Dockerfile
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache gcompat
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache libc6-compat


# The application's jar file
ARG JAR_FILE=target/example-svc-*.jar

# Add the application's jar to the container
ADD ${JAR_FILE} example-svc.jar


RUN mkdir -p /opt/cprof && \
  wget -q -O- \
  | tar xzv -C /opt/cprof

ENTRYPOINT ["java", \
    "-agentpath:/opt/cprof/,-cprof_service_version=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT", \
    "-jar", "/app/example-svc.jar"]


问题似乎是您正在使用的容器镜像的基本版本。查看您的 Dockerfile,您将从:



The main caveat to note is that it does use musl libc instead of glibc and friends, so certain software might run into issues depending on the depth of their libc requirements.


现在,如果我们查看找到的 Google 文档 here ,我们发现定义了以下要求:

Supported operating systems:

  • Linux versions whose standard C library is implemented with glibc.

...这似乎是一个冲突。请尝试使用不基于 alpine 的 openjdk 镜像的替代版本.

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