git - 错误 : unable to unlink old 'gulpfile.js' (Permission denied) while using Docker Compose for development environment

标签 git symfony docker permissions docker-compose

我正在使用以下内容开发 PHP 7.1 Web 应用程序:

  • Symfony 3.2
  • Docker 撰写 1.12.0
  • Ubuntu 16.04 x64

  • 运行时docker-compose up -d ,我的绑定(bind)挂载项目目录的所有者和组更改为root。因此,每当我尝试使用 git pull 提交更改或从远程提取,我会看到以下内容:
    error: unable to unlink old 'gulpfile.js' (Permission denied)
    fatal: Could not reset index file to revision 'HEAD^'.

    Changing the project directory's owner and group回到我的用户删除错误。在使用 Docker Compose 进行开发时,是否有更简单的方法来防止这些用户权限冲突?

    |-- projectDirectory/
    |-- dockerComposeDirectory/
        |-- docker-compose.yml


    如本文所述 docker (err... moby!) issue

    If you chown the volume (on the host side) before bind-mounting it, it will work.
    In that case, you could do:

    mkdir /tmp/www
    chown 101:101 /tmp/www
    docker run -v /tmp/www:/var/www ubuntu stat -c "%U %G" /var/www

    (Assuming that 101:101 is the UID:GID of the www-data user in your container.)

    Another possibility is to do the bind-mount, then chown inside the container.

    Using volumes just works assuming the image has data at the path your mounting to.
    Using binds uses the host path's UID/GID.
    UID/GID in the container is the same as UID/GID on the host... even if user/group names don't match, UID/GID is what matters here.

    我引用了OP lolsky phpdocker-io/base-images/php/7.1 Dockerfile .

    The php:7.1-fpm Dockerfile indicates that the php-fpm service would be run as www-data, so I was incorrect about the container's user.
    Chowning the volume after the initial bind mount seems to work.
    Anytime the volume needs to be recreated by Docker Compose, I have to chown it again, which gets a little annoying, but it does solve my issue.

    关于git - 错误 : unable to unlink old 'gulpfile.js' (Permission denied) while using Docker Compose for development environment,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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