image - OpenCV-删除图像中的独立短线

标签 image opencv image-processing line


There is an independent short line in top right corner image



#get all connected components in the image with their stats (including their size, in pixel)
nb_edges, output, stats, _ = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(img, connectivity=8) 
#output is an image where every component has a different value    
size=stats[1:,-1] #extracting the size from the statistics

#selecting bigger components
for e in range(0,nb_edges-1):
    #replace this line depending on your application, here I chose to keep
    #all components above the mean size of components in the image
    if size[e]>=np.mean(size):
        th_up = e + 2
        th_do = th_up

        #masking to keep only the components which meet the condition
        mask = cv2.inRange(output, th_do, th_up)
        result = cv2.bitwise_xor(original_img, mask)

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